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December 11th, 2020
DER Funding Database

Weekly In Progress Report

DER’s “Did You Know?” Spotlight

This week in DER’s “Did You Know?” Spotlight, we are focusing on a great resource that provides Field by Field Info for NSF Current & Pending Form. This tool, created by MSU OSP, helps guide you through completing the mandatory NSF Current & Pending (C&P) Form. In this interactive tool, information and explanation has been provided for each field in the Form. You can click on the fields to receive information associated with that field. Please note that the NSF Current & Pending Form, has a separate in-kind contributions entry that has slightly different fields. For in-kind contribution entries, please go to the in-kind example form. NSF provides 15 project/proposal and 10 in-kind contribution entries for users to populate the Form. Please leave any unused entries blank. Please remember to enter your entries so they are grouped together based on the "Status of Support" and are in the order of Current, Pending, Submission Planned, and Transfer of Support from top to bottom. The NSF fillable forms can be found here for the actual completion of the Form. Learn more by visiting

If you would like help learning more about this and other Current & Pending resources, please send an email to

Engineering Research Reactivation SharePoint

The Engineering Research Reactivation all-inclusive SharePoint page has helpful reopening resources, important processes, and documents that need to be completed and approved to "return to research". Please request access if prompted. 

Important Announcement: 

Where is my "LABORATORY PLAN FOR A SAFE RETURN" in the approval process?

You can see what step of the approval process your plan is on by looking under the “Engineering Research Reactivation” folders on the SharePoint site. 

  • If the plan has been approved by the Department Chair, you can see if it has been sent to VPRI by clicking on “EGR ADR Review” > “At VPRI for Review”. If the plan is in the “At VPRI for Review” folder then it is currently being reviewed by VPRI.
  • To check to see if your plan has been completely approved by all required departments (DC, EGR Dean's Office, and VPRI), you can click on the “VPRI Final Approved Plans” folder. If your plan is in the “VPRI Final Approved Plans” folder then you approved to return to research. Monique Blackmer ( will reach out to you. 

SharePoint Page
American Association for Cancer Research

Multiple Funding Opportunities:

Send in Helpful Research related information

If you have any helpful research related information, feel free to send that into DER at so DER can share it in an upcoming newsletter. Submissions could include funding opportunities, articles, etc. 
Note: DER will review any submitted information and include chosen information in upcoming DER Newsletters.

Thank you!

NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program

The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program seeks proposals that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers. The program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas, through a comprehensive traineeship model that is innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs. Proposals are requested that address any interdisciplinary or convergent research theme of national priority, as noted above. Learn more HERE.

DER's Proposal Volume

The chart above shows DER's Proposal Volume from 2016 to 2021 as of (12/11/2020). 

Take a closer look
DER Seminars
Miss the Last Seminar? Watch it Here!

The Project Summary is one of the most important parts of every NSF grant proposal. A clear and concise Project Summary will make a positive first impression on reviewers and succinctly convey the key points of your project. However, writing a strong Project Summary can be deceptively hard. With only a single page to work with, it can be difficult to decide which information to include and how to best frame that information for impact. During this seminar, Dr. Sara Steenrod (Grant Consultant with OSVPRI) will walk you through best practices for writing a compelling Project Summary for your next NSF proposal.

Watch the Seminar Here

DER Seminar Website

Internal Funding Notifications & News
December 10th, 2020 Newsletter

OIRC becomes Global IDEAS

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Issue 56: Friday Updates, 8/28/20

      Fall 2020 Newsletter
      The Engaged Scholar E-Newsletter
      December 7th, 2020
      Burgess E&I Weekly
      External Sponsor Notifications & News
      Ongoing Updates and Posts
      NSF News Releases

      December 11th, 2020
      NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Notices

      Ongoing Updates and Posts

      Press Releases and Funding Opportunities

      December 8th, 2020
      TRB Transportation Research E-Newsletter

      November 2020 E-Newsletter

      Primary Funding Agencies
      U.S. Department of Defense

      National Aeronautics and Space Administration
      National Institutes of Health

      National Science Foundation

      Office of Naval Research

      Research in Germany - Land of Ideas

      U.S. Department of Energy

      United States Department of Agriculture

      Division of Engineering Research

      428 South Shaw Lane, East Lansing
      MI 48824-1226 United States

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      MSU College of Engineering.
