Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY! Oh, did I mention that spring is basically here? Look at the flowers! I do say this with a lot of fear, though. Just two days ago it snowed (seriously). With a freeze warning that night, to boot. But hey, I'm not complaining! There are plenty of other things to complain about, right? (Corona... anyone?) Seriously, though, what a crazy time to live in. Suddenly, the consumptive author shutting himself in his attic to suffer the pangs of creation in front of the blank page… well, that’s pretty much everyone! (except maybe for the consumption part). So after a really bad April, I realized it was time. Time to make finishing book 5 of my Raven Son series the #1 priority. And, since I’m totally normal (and not at all a consumptive crazy writer in a garret, really!), I’m going to do it in ten days. And you’re going to keep me honest, I’m sure 🙂 I’ve already started the sprint toward the end of Book 5 of my Raven Son series, The Throne of the Gods. There have been some unexpected successes, and some very-expected obstacles. I'm going to be chronicling the journey on youtube, and putting all the videos on this dedicated page on my website. If you're interested in an insider's look at the writer's process, of if you're curious about how to build a regular writing practice, or if you're excited about the Raven Son finale, check it out: How to Finish a Novel in 10 Days!! Thanks, as always, for joining me on this mad adventure! ~Nicky Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs