Photo Credit: Dianne Busch
In 2007, National Pollinator Week was designated by the US Senate to take place annually in June, as a way of recognizing their many contributions to our ecosystems and agriculture. This year, we celebrate June 17-23, 2024, and it’s a great time to think about how much our pollinators do for us, and what we can do for them in return!
Animal pollinators contribute over $750 billion to our worldwide economy, and are responsible for one in every three bites of food we eat.
So, what can you do for pollinators? Plant sustainable pollinator habitats, provide water for bees and butterflies, register your yard as a Monarch Waystation or certified wildlife habitat through the National Wildlife Federation.
Spread the word about the Great Florida Pollinator Count in August! School groups, churches, garden clubs, HOAs, and anyone else interested is welcome to participate in this citizen science research opportunity! For more information, or to learn how to participate, please visit the Great Southeast Pollinator Census website here: and follow our Facebook page at:
For more information on National Pollinator Week, visit