If you have grown houseplants for any length of time, you eventually and inevitably end up with more than you know what to do with. Pruning a pothos results in cuttings that you just can't chuck, so you put them in water and hey presto you have five more plants. We've all been there.
This is where plant swaps come in. I would say at least half my collection has come from swapping, either individually in person or by post, and at larger events. It's about time I upped my swap game, so I am running a plant swap in collaboration with Sarah Gerrard-Jones aka The Plant Rescuer on September 17 at Fade to Black in St Albans, 10.30am to 1pm. Please join us if you can - if you have plants to swap, there will be the option to donate: we'll be raising money for good causes.
Want some top tips on running your own plant swap? Check out this On The Ledge episode with Fay Kenworthy and Sarah Rousseau, co-founders of the hugely successful Sheffield PlantSwap, for loads of tips and advice.
Two other events you may want to know about...
On October 22 I'm hosting a propagation workshop at the Garden Museum's Houseplant Festival. Join me for a hands-on session at 2pm - you'll end up with some props to take home! Book tickets here.
On November 7, I'm taking part in a panel discussion on houseplants at the British Library, along with James Wong, Carlos Magdalena and Mike Maunder. Indoor Jungles: The Story of the Houseplant starts at 7pm, and livestream and in person tickets can be booked here.