The PACTS, International Newsletter
Friday, September 23, 2022
********************************************************* PO Box 1925 | Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 |
Contact number: 1-888-639-5559
In a CNN Special Report "Immaculate Concussion: The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome," airing Sunday, September 25 at 8pmET/PT, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta investigates one of the most complex and controversial health mysteries in recent years known as “Havana Syndrome.” (link below)
PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING Saturday, October 29, 2022 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
Announcement from ADVHER
Paris TI "Havana Syndrome" Rally
The Association for the Defense of Victims of Electromagnetic and Networked Harassment (ADVHER)*, an official association registered with the French state, would like to invite you to a rally against electromagnetic harassment which will be held on the 1st October 2022 in Paris, France, at the Place de la République (square) from 15.00 to 20.00.
A permit for this event will be requested from the Paris Police Prefecture, similarly to the previous events held in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
*Association de Défense des Victimes de Harcèlement Électromagnétique et en Réseau (ADVHER)
NOVEMBER 8, 2022 | 2:00 PM
(click on the picture to enlarge)
- see contact information above for purchases -
Those of you who are Amazon shoppers, did you know that you can donate to PACTS, International at no cost to you? PACTS is a registered charity with the Amazon Smile Foundation therefore they will donate money to our non-profit according to the purchases you make.
Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your eligiible purchases to PACTS once you register at: Then whenever you shop at Amazon and sign in at this site, know that a certain percent of your purchases will be sent to PACTS at no cost to you.
When you sign in to Amazon at, you may find our charity listed as: People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance International. Our entire name is spelled out. Once you check our name, 0.5% of your purchases will then be donated to PACTS via the Amazon Smile Foundation.
Thanks to all who shop at Amazon Smile!
PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING Saturday, September 10, 2022 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
If you are looking for shielding products and more, here is the link for our PACTS online SuperStore:
World Tek Shielding & Survival Solutions
COMING SOON! Along with great shielding products, we will soon carry some books by Robert Duncan and also feature David Ruble's Cyber Shield!
The last Wednesday of every month.
WHEN: The last Wednesday: September 28, 2022 at 5:00pm CST, 6:00pm EST, 3:00pm PST
Conference Call Phone: 757-841-1673 Access Code: 5142812# - will be recorded
Book to be announced
*NOW MEETING ON WEDNESDAYS - Next meeting is Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Jax Domnitz, Spiritual Warrior is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Spiritual Warfare Workshop
I am using the book, PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER, Vol. Two as a reference in the workshop.
Time: Wednesdays, Oct 5, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Wednesdays
Oct 5, 2022 06:00 PM
Oct 12, 2022 06:00 PM
Oct 19, 2022 06:00 PM
Oct 26, 2022 06:00 PM, et al
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 4365 2475
Passcode: 508593
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,82643652475#,,,,*508593# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,82643652475#,,,,*508593# US
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 669 444 9171 US
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 780 666 0144 Canada
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+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 826 4365 2475
Passcode: 508593
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Hosted and moderated by Jax Domnitz in northern California
Participants do NOT have to use their camera. They can use a picture, name, or a moniker.
Participants can use their pc or their cell phone to participate.
(see Zoom link below)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 4365 2475
Passcode: 508593
Dial by your location:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+33 1 7037 2246 France +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 826 4365 2475
Passcode: 508593
Find your local number:
This idea started at a recent conference call about creating a group of well-spoken, well-educated spokespersons to advocate to the general public about our issues. This group of perhaps 5 or 6 people would travel to various locations or virtually, educating the general community, the media, and our elected officials about our targeting.
They would be a vehicle to convey to the public the urgency of our plight and thereby hopefully garner assistance. Those wishing to participate in this exciting opportunity, please reply to: Subject line: Speakers Bureau. Thank you!
The following activities are happening in our community during the months of September and October.
TIME: 5:00pm CST, 6:00pm EST, 3:00pm PST
Conference Call Phone: 757-841-1673 Access Code: 5142812#
Topic: Spiritual Warfare
Time: Wednesdays 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern
(see announcement above for details)
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Contact: Amy - 971-207-3401
(see announcement in the "SUPPORT GROUPS" section for details)
Female TI for decades, is seeking shared housing for near future due to disability income limitations. No v2k experienced to date. please call - 828 767 8438.
Although I do not charge for the newsletter, it requires many hours of intensive work and if this information is of some value for you, a much-needed tip for the time and effort is appreciated. Thank you!
To all,
Well it’s been a few months and the RV park is still here…. I have been preoccupied with obtaining funds to repay the debt I incurred trying to get RV's and the park set up.
Thank you for the continued calls of interest. I am keeping track of names and calls so when I find the right people to help this get going we can get back in touch with you … Now I need two things …… One: there has to be a retired person out there in our group of people who is an experienced finish carpenter or close to it …. Every good facility needs people to help maintain stuff; also, a good person to help with activities, peoples' comings and goings and some type of community environment.
For this I am willing to work with the right people on rent for an RV or lot. Please contact me if you have the desire to move and stay in Texas.
Second, I'm gonna say this: This is Texas. It’s HOT in the Summer; nice almost the rest of the year round as we are not far from the coast. If ya wanna move to Texas and live with a few people who are going thru targeting or who have experienced it and want a calm nice place to stay, we are out in the country not the city. It’s 15 miles to get to stores, so please understand this……. A car is a good thing to have, although there is county transportation available. You have to call, etc.
Thank you again to all who are trying to help and have helped and to PACTS for keeping the word out there.
More peace in 2022.
God bless, Carl Staley
"I would welcome other Ti s to Texas if they want to live near other ‘Tis. I have room for up to six Ti s who don’t mind living in a camper of their own. I am basically charging them lot rent of $399/ month for utilities - water sewer etc. if you have your own camper. $599/ month if you want to rent one.
The property is isolated and in the country.... 15 miles away to two different cities ...1 hour from ocean or San Antonio. No buses or public transportation. But it’s quiet here and I am easy going as well.
Drama people not needed. Everyone should be easy going and calm we could meet once a week and talk to ease some of our issues as it’s always the isolation game with our perps not wanting us to talk to anyone but them.
For more information, please contact: Carl
THE SCIO - SCIENTIFIC CONSCIOUSNESS INTERFACE OPERATIONS a sophisticated, biofeedback system, that harmonizes your body’s stresses and returns it to a state of health by reducing the stress that is causing disease.
Basically, the SCIO biofeedback system is able to recognize in time the changes occurring in the body and correct them before an issue would develop.
Sessions at this time will be mostly long distance and can be held on Zoom.
They will be $50 for approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours. To schedule an appointment, or for questions or comments, please email me at: or call: 513-568-1635.
Thank you! Derrick Robinson, practitioner Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations
PACTS International is looking for a TI who is a grant writer and is willing to work for a percentage of the grant instead of an hourly wage. Contact: Derrick Robinson at
John Gonzales in Arizona has come up with this idea of a TI TV series. In speaking to him about this, we have decided that a reality-type of TV show may be interesting. And so far we have received positive feedback from this idea.
It would be a way for people to come to understand the plight of TI's if they were brought into our daily lives and experiences, such as a reality-TV format which would highlight the day-to-day struggles of being targeted.
Those interested in participating in this program, please reply to:
Featured from YouTube
"The documentary Absolute Brain deals with the science of cybernetics and its political development with brain-computer technology and manipulation of genes."
The views expressed in this section are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of PACTS, International.
This is someone who wanted to share her story as she feels her body is giving way to the years of torturous targeting and it may be a glimpse for someone into the life of an electronically targeted individual.
Dear Friend,
August 5, 2022
Please file this away as this maybe my last writing to you. The targeting has become increasingly more torturous if that is even possible. I am severely sleep deprived and exhausted. My bladder is no longer functioning in a normal fashion. The perps began manipulating my bladder shortly after I met Howard (my husband). It began with repeated stimulation to my bladder. I was forced to run to the washroom numerous times in the day, but especially at precarious times when I was driving to a location (on route) ....the last part of the trip becoming agony as my bladder was being pressured so I was forced to hurry up and find a washroom wherever I could. That always wasn't possible so on occasion I just had to hold on and it was “hell”. My bladder became a focused targeted area for many years until they made it dysfunctional. I cannot fully void my bladder all at once and even after I get up it may drip. Either they are blocking the release of the bladder and make me void it numerous times in one sitting or it is now a permanent fixture form of release. The voiding of bladder has also gone to the other extreme where in the past I have not been able to release for 6 to 7 hrs or more. Once a whole afternoon and night passed before I was allowed to urinate.
The current state of the bladder has been such a concern that I went to see my Chinese doctor for help. He prescribed medicinal teas to strengthen my bladder. The perps, as you may very well know, can if they choose override whatever treatment you are taking for an ailment you may have or whatever infection/malady/pain they have created in your body that may not have happened under normal circumstances. That has been true for me.
This Chinese doctor comes from a lineage of doctors and treated my father who had a stroke and as a result of his treatment my father recovered quickly. He treated my mother with medicinal herbs when antibiotics would not help her when she had pneumonia. He is trained in eastern and western medicine. To date the teas have not helped and I have been taking them for about 3 months or so.
At night I am being kept awake and not only vibrated as soon as I put my head on the pillow but they are forcing a current through my spine that sometimes feels like a motor is running in and through my body. At the same time I experience wave like sensations over and over again. The bed is also vibrated. I place my hand on the bed under my body and the bed is vibrating. Sometimes they pulse right into the hand where they are targeting my heart. I feel it in the hand ( when I am lying on my back )which I place under my heart and the pulsing is going through the hand into the heart area. This has been going on for a few weeks and getting worse daily with elevated heart rate added to the torture.
On top of that I am being forced to sweat profusely. I have to change my undergarments in the middle of the night...more so the T shirt I sleep in. I was targeted with sweating shortly after I met Howard. After I took a shower and changed into my Pjs I was targeted with sweat. It was their ritual with me. The perps like to cause sweating at specific times so it appears. For years the sweating was always triggered when I was taking supplemental injections before bed. Now I would of course go to bed at different times but it was always at the time I took the injections before bed or when I was prepping to go to bed. I would write about it in the notes I keep and after that they stopped for a short while trying to figure out what to do next. It was clear I was being targeted.
To add insult to injury I have experienced microwave heat directed at various parts of my body day/night and outside walking or driving a car.. When outside without a hat or with a hat (spf 50) in sun or shade they would burn my head and I would have to put my hand over my head. Of course in the sun ...the sun was not burning the top of my hand when placed on my head but my head was burning.
I have found that cold packs at night do not really work. I have found that the perps can warm up the cold gel packs if they want so they do not hold the cold. At night I have been microwaved more times than I can remember when trying to sleep..
I am very tired Dear Friend and my body is not that strong anymore and has been pommelled over many years. The vibration/current and elevated heart rate is the way my electronic targeting began many many years ago. Now it is a routine diet at night and sometimes during the day when I am sitting as it is occurring now as I write. They are vibrating the chair and forcing a vibration and current into me now and through my body. It appears to be causing a humming noise. Perhaps they are vibrating the bones in the vertebra? The current seems to be originating in the neck area...the occipital ridge C1 and C2 of the spine but that can change in an instant and the perps can move the origin of the current to another location in the spine.
I haven't mentioned this but the perps make me freeze in the winter regardless of temperature in the house or outside. Between being forced to endure freezing or sweating (heat) it is hell. I will not go into everything else they do to my body...some of which you already have on file...but I wanted to write this now as I do not know what will come of my health. I am exhausted and have not had much sleep (deep rest) for a very long time. My adrenals are fatigued. I do believe the body can handle only so much. As miraculous as our bodies are they have limitations. I am concerned about my health now more than ever.
Dear friend, the conclusion I can only draw is that this is a suicide program. Maybe not for everyone who is targeted but it appears to be so for me. The perps have tried on occasion to drive me to that point. I remember VTK (real live perps on the other end) telling me on one occasion that they were gong to break me. Well that may or may not happen. I leave that in God's hands. I have been targeted a long time but not as long as you. And the targeting is now much worse not better after all these years and I am 73 and in the last stretch of my life which they are attempting to destroy with their relentless targeting of my body. It is hard to get through the day and night.
So should something happen to me my friend M, will probably let you know as I keep in touch with him. Kindly put this writing on record for me.
Please note that I am in no way suicidal. I am going to continue to do my best and place one foot in front of the other as long as I am able. I do believe that this program will come out into public awareness and it will stop one day. That knowing has stayed with me and has not changed. These are crimes against humanity and war crimes and they are possibly human trafficking people and targeting them for profit and experimentation. It will one day be very clear.
August 9 2022 As an addendum I want to inform you that I saw my Naturopath since the above writing who is well credentialed and studied in Germany and Canada as well as the USA. He has also taught students. He did a live blood cell microscopy and the results worried him as he felt that I could potentially have a heart attack from what he saw in the blood. There was no movement to the blood cells and this was way beyond clumping. He felt that that the targeting I was experiencing ( ie the current/vibration, elevated heart rate, etc.) was impacting on the negative potential of the cells. There was no polarity. He is aware that I am targeted and has been a support over the years. He has given me remedies to help but wasn't certain that they would because of my circumstances. I am seeing him again in a couple of weeks to follow up. In the meantime I will see my MD and will do blood work and ultrasound to see what that shows if anything.
I have also sent you a visual of the blood cells for my records. Please know that you have my permission to publish this. Perhaps it can help someone. Maybe that person is experiencing what I am or some of it. If anything it may be a comfort to know they are not alone and there is someone else out there that is struggling with being tortured. Torture is the only word that perfectly describes my targeting. Any other word does not do it justice.
God Bless You Anna
PACTS Membership Information
Membership is $25/year. You may join via: PAYPAL: Click the 'Donate' button at our website - - or the blue button below and follow the prompts or at the following link:
Our Zelle email address is:
You may also send a check or money order made payable to 'PACTS, International' and mail to:
PACTS, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
You may even consider sending a small monthly recurring donation of $5, $10, $20 or whatever amount you wish.
Once membership dues are received, we then mail a packet of materials for members consisting of:
- Our PACTS International pamphlet
- A PACTS Membership card
- A "You are not Alone" Wristband or TI Awareness Ribbon for renewals
- For $50 or more you receive all of the above plus the latest issue of our PACTS magazine!
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific/5 pm Alaska/3 pm Hawaii Call-In Number: 1-267-807-9497 Access Code: 248671#
Follow this Link to join the chatroom:
-- then, click 'Online Meeting' at the top of the page
-- click 'join meeting' in the dropdown box
-- enter meeting ID - derrickcrobinson
-- click 'Submit.'
PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING Saturday, October 29, 2022 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
DALLAS, TEXAS MEETINGS STARTING WITH RAY RICHARDSON Those in the Dallas, Texas area who would like to participate in a meeting, please email Ray Richardson at:
THE NEW PHOENIX TI GROUP Location: Phoenix, AZ Contact Name: Constance Hunter Contact Number: 623-440-4416
BAY AREA SUPPORT GROUP San Francisco, California Contact:
AWAKENING PRAYER Hosted by: Patricia Powell and Michael Hughes Monday & Friday Nights Time: 8:00 PM Eastern Time / 5:00 PM Pacific Phone Number: 605-562-0400 Access code: 7660364
REFUGE FROM THE STORM CHURCH Service Times: Christian Worship Service Saturday, 6:00 PM EST Prelude Music starts at 5:45 pm EST If you have difficulty getting into the service, immediately contact us at:
- Small Group Bible Study Wednesday Evenings 7:00 PM EST (On ZOOM Conference)
- Refuge TI Support Group Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM EST (On ZOOM Conference)
- Early Morning Prayer (ON TALKSHOE)
Wednesday – Friday 7:00 AM EST.
- Dial In Numbers: 1-605-562-0444 or 1-717-734-6904; Show ID: 140567#, Pin: 1#
- (U.S.), 1-867-292-3066; Show ID: 140567#, Pin: 1# (Canada
ZOOM CONFERNCE INFORMATION Meeting ID: 586 009 5779 Passcode: A14rUU One tap mobile +13462487799,,5860095779#,,,,*470988# US (Houston) +16699006833,,5860095779#,,,,*470988# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 586 009 5779 Passcode: 470988 Find your local number:
*Congratulations*** to the following TI's who have recent or upcoming birthdays! The source of these listings is mostly my Facebook page, however, if you have a birthday in SEPTEMBER or an upcoming month, and would like to be featured on the birthday list, send us an email to:
Katja Mantwill - September 2 Rosanna Mahom - September 2 Lyndsay Kwiat - September 4
Anthony Wilkerson - September 5 Stephen O'Neill - September 31 Debbie Villafone - September 22