AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

8 April 2018

New AAMT President

Following AAMT's Annual General Meeting held in April, Jurek Paradowski (ACT) has taken up the position of AAMT President, with Allason McNamara now the Immediate Past President.

Rom Cirillo has been returned as AAMT Treasurer as his was the only nomination received (and hence no election was necessary).

Maria Quigley (NSW) and Rebecca Garrett (SA) have also joined the AAMT Council.

Contact information for all of the AAMT Council can be found at www.aamt.edu.au/Contact/Council.

ATSIMA conference

The Third Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance conference will bring together a collaboration of leaders, educators and stakeholders from community, education, research, and business sectors around Australia.

The conference will be held 10–13 July 2018 at RMIT University in Melbourne.

For m ore information, go to https://atsimanational.ning.com/conf2018.

reSolve Champions' workshops

Champions from around Australia have recently enjoyed the opportunity to develop their knowledge about leading cultural change to transform school mathematics.

Find out more about using reSolve resources by watching the video below.

Financial Literacy Australia Grants

The 2018 round of the Financial Literacy Australia (FLA) grants program is now open, with $2million in funding available. 

For more information on eligibility, selection criteria and the application process, go to http://finlit.org.au/grants. Applications close 15 June.

ICME Study 24

ICMI Study 24 Conference will be held 25–30 November 2018 in Tsukuba, Japan. The deadline for paper submissions has been extended to 31 May. For more information, go to www.human.tsukuba.ac.jp/~icmi24/submission.


The 15th Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education (IACME XV) will be held in Medellín, Colombia, 5–10 May 2019.

This is a chance to get to learn about the vibrant state of mathematics education in Central and South America.

For more information, go to http://ciaem-redumate.org/conferencia/index.php/xvciaem/xv (note: select English as the language for the website from the fourth menu to the right of the page).

[featured resource] Teaching with Rich Learning Tasks: A Handbook

Gary Flewelling with William Higginson

This excellent book contains a wealth of information and practical advice, along with plenty of examples of tasks and suggestions for how to use and explore the ideas in your own practice. The text includes detailed discussion of examples, compares rich and pseudo-rich learning tasks, examines problem-solving in the context of sense-making, introduces important influential concepts, and more. While it uses mathematical examples from mainly middle school content, the book would be useful to teachers across disciplines and at all year levels.

#CAN100 $40.00 * AAMT members $32.00 *


[reduced] Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving: Prekindergarten-Grade 6

Doug French

A collection of 80 problems and investigations with teacher explanations to fill in those 'odd moments' in the classroom! Each item can be adapted or extended to suit a wide range of students. Comes with a CD with a PDF version of the text and all problems as PowerPoint slides.

While stocks last.

#MA2005 was $50.00 now $25.00
* AAMT members $20.00 *


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

Cognitively-Guided Instruction: Supporting Students to Create Their Own Mathematical Understanding

Bringing All Students Into Discussions

Using Writing to Spark Learning in Math, Science, and Social Studies

Australia must overhaul 'industrial' school model, says Gonski-chaired review

How creating a 'human pie chart' can work wonders in your maths lessons

Here’s How to Stage a Breakout Game in Class

Getting started with blended learning

The Value of Failing

High Schoolers Should Take 4 Years of Leaner, More Relevant Math, Teachers' Group Says

The coevolution of physics and math

How Poetry and Math Intersect

'I'm at a loss to explain': Experts baffled by analysis of HSC maths results

7 mathematicians you should have heard of – but probably haven’t

7 Brain-Based Ways to Make Learning Stick

Score pressure puts students off maths

Time Management With PBL

Connect with AAMT on social networks for more links to online news, tools and tips!

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GPO Box 1729 Adelaide SA 5001 | 08 8363 0288 | office@aamt.edu.au | www.aamt.edu.au