Good evening!

You are currently a registered member on our site. I am reaching out to let you know we are discontinuing member profiles at this time.

I want to explain why we are doing that.

Years ago, we replaced a commenting system and lost avatar functionality. Member profiles were a way to restore that functionality. However, the system has seen little use over the years, and has been a tremendous pain point requiring much time to manage for little benefit to our community.

For the few readers who were using their member profile to view other comments. We encourage you to view the Recent Comments page. Or you may also subscribe to comments to receive an email for either all comments or those tied to a specific post. This is available within the comments section on each article.

Here is an example:

In the future, with enough interest we can create a true forum driven community platform that will really benefit our readers. Providing profiles, messaging, and so on.

Moving forward, we do have to retain the ability for donors to login to modify their donations and check their history. That functionality will remain, and is not tied to the software previously discussed which has now been decommissioned.

As always, we thank you very much for your readership.

Have a fantastic evening!

Thank you,

Brandon T. Ward
