Methodology and Additional Information
The statistics in this report are derived from instruments recorded in the office of the Wake County Register of Deeds. Under North Carolina law, changes in property rights in real estate, including security interests in real estate, are recorded with the Register of Deeds of the county where the real estate is located.
The value of real estate transferred is measured by excise tax assessed on the consideration in a real estate transaction. Excise taxes are calculated as $1 in tax for every five hundred dollars of consideration. About 99% of these transactions were property transfers by deed and the balance were miscellaneous transactions such as acquisitions of a right of way. Calculation of the aggregate value of real estate includes all transactions. The calculation of median price includes all transactions where property was transferred by deed.
The core market is defined as property transactions valued at $1 million and less. In July 2020, 98% of transactions were in the core market.
The number of deeds and deeds of trust recorded with the Register of Deeds reflects the total volume of property and loan transactions regardless of the dollar value of the real estate or amount of the loan. The number of deeds includes transfers where monetary consideration did not change hands, such as transfers within a family. In July 2020, 19% of deeds attracted no excise tax. In the first quarter that percentage was 21% and it was 22% in the second quarter of 2020.
On March 14, 2020 public schools were closed and mass gatherings were prohibited by an executive order of the governor. On March 17 and 23, 2020 additional executive orders were issued which closed certain businesses and introduced additional restrictions. Based on these events, a starting date of March 17 is used to demark the advent of COVID-19 related legal restrictions on economic activity.
For a complete picture of Wake County real estate activity, the information in this report should be considered in conjunction with data available from other sources, such as rezoning applications and new building permits, plus other information published by the Register of Deeds available at
This report was initially released August 4, 2020.
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