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Are there any requirements? +

Nope! This is a ministry provided by the Deacons and there's no formal checkout process. The Deacons will check and resupply as needed.

Who started this? +

Northminster and the Deacons support an emergency meal ministry that initially only existed informally. For example, if you were a part of the women’s circle group and you had a newborn baby, members in that circle would bring you meals. When Liz Neterval and Julianne Shannon were on staff at Northminster, they realized there needed to be a more formalized structure of meals when having a newborn baby or other major transition in life. This has led to the current iteration of the meal ministry, which is open to everyone! Contact Julianne Shannon, Mary Boris, or Donna Schmahl for more information about this ministry.

Who has it helped? +

"Personally, I have been on both the giving and receiving sides of the meals ministry. They are not only life giving, they are Life supporting and Life healing. The meals connected me to the care of others during major transitions in my and my family's life. I have delivered meals to several parents after they welcomed a newborn - a joyous and also stressful time. I received the meals after both my daughters were born and was extremely grateful that I could focus on the baby and not have to worry about dinner. I received meals in 2016, when my Dad was very ill with cancer. From April to June I was traveling back and forth to Lafayette weekly placing a huge strain on our family. The meals supported all of us. Then in 2019, I was in a very traumatic car accident, after which I needed months to recover. We set up a “What Friends do” site and meals, along with walking my dog, and just visiting me -were things that friends, family, and several church members did for us, during a very difficult and challenging time in our family’s life. We were surrounded by God’s Love and our community of faith during our time of need in the form of food – not only to maintain life and growth, but helping us to heal and recover, and we are forever grateful." - Julianne Shannon