There are two very common forms of self-abuse that Jura finds very important to mention - and they both have to do with how we process our emotions.
First, we often neglect ourselves by making other people’s needs and ideas more important than ours. We do that automatically, and we get to live another person’s life so we don’t have to feel our own… pain, discomfort, fear, and desire. This form of self-abuse is more common than any of us can notice. It’s an epidemic, and a very rewarding one. Do you know how some people are always so convenient and comfortable to hang out with? If you don’t know such people, it’s probably because you are one of them.
Conflict avoidance, peace-making, self-doubt, guilt, and shame for speaking up or wanting something are all strategies to be convenient to others. It slowly drains our soul and leaves us depleted, yet we do it because it feels safe.
Another form of self-abuse is withholding - holding back your expression. We often withhold that we feel sad, angry, or hurt by the people we love. We even withhold love from the people we love. By doing so, we think that we keep the relationships safe (static). But we put our health in danger. We learned that the only thing withholding maintains is a shitty quality of connection and the illusion of liking each other. If a relationship cannot survive you sharing how you feel, it’s not a good relationship. Put that on your mirror and repeat it every day.