News Clips
AJMC: (7/05) – At AHIP 2022, Vanessa Bobb, MD, PhD, FAPA, vice president of Behavioral Health & Medical Integration at CDPHP, moderated a session on real-world study findings showcasing cost and quality benefits of value-based contracting in behavioral health. Bobb discussed findings of the study and how value-based programs can be better leveraged in mental health and substance abuse care.
Newswire: (7/05) – A Weber Shandwick study found that about 73 percent of Americans now find health care-related information online, which is only expected to increase with time. Whether researching symptoms or seeking recommendations for a physician, the users rely on the internet for several health care-related decisions. This article outlines digital tools that independent medical practitioners can use to account for this trend.
Benefits Pro: (6/30) – In the value-based care delivery model, providers are paid based on patient health outcomes. Under agreements, providers are rewarded for helping patients improve their health, reduce the effects and incidence of chronic disease, and live healthier lives in an evidence-based way. To achieve true value for the health ecosystem – payer, provider, employer, and member – benefits advisors and their employer clients should expect claims management, payment integrity, care management, and member engagement to work together seamlessly.
AJMC: (6/29) – Kidney care is characterized by complex patient needs that create high risk for payers and providers. Managing this risk while optimizing patient outcomes cannot be achieved with traditional fee-for-service (FFS) models, with public and private payers largely transitioning to the adoption of value-based care programs. Terry Ketchersid, MD, MBA of the Integrated Care Group, Fresenius Medical Care noted during a session at AHIP 2022 that, ”When these value-based care models are put together appropriately, both the payers' and the providers' interests are aligned, and the winner is ultimately the patient, because in these value-based care models, we can actually buy things for patients that we cannot afford in a transactional FFS environment.”
Medical Economics: (6/29) – According to, Timothy Hoff PhD, nothing in the U.S. health care system will be or should be the same after a two-year global pandemic. Our primary care system has recovered in some ways from the sudden financial shock and the loss of patients, but a closer look suggests that many of the challenges that existed pre-pandemic related to investments and resources still remain. This article includes a strategic blueprint detailing how to fix the primary care system with five goals, including to transform the way health care treats the primary care workforce.
Health Affairs: (June 2022) – The Comprehensive End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Care (CEC) Model was the first Medicare specialty-oriented accountable care organization (ACO) model. Researchers examined whether this model provided better results for beneficiaries with ESRD than primary care–based ACO models, finding significant decreases in Medicare payments ($126 per beneficiary per month), hospitalizations (five percent), and likelihood of readmissions (eight percent) among beneficiaries with ESRD during the first year of alignment with the CEC Model and no impacts on these measures among beneficiaries with ESRD who were aligned with primary care–based ACOs, relative to fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries. The strategies that enabled ESRD Seamless Care Organizations to achieve reductions in hospitalizations and readmissions could inform physician-led ACOs’ efforts to coordinate with hospitals in their areas.