Which platform is better? Depends on who you ask. But, for me, SBI! wins "hands down."
- No plugin updates (happens on a daily basis with WordPress IMHO)
- Website name is included in the hosting (no need to remember to do that!)
- Includes email and auto-responder
- Includes blogging
- Includes extensive business training (that WordPress cannot deliver, sorry!)
- World-class support
- Pretty much non-existent down time
- Excellent friendly forum where you don't feel stupid asking questions
- Key Word research and planning via BrainStormIt!
and much more.
OH - heck, almost forgot!!!
SoloBuildIt! are also releasing "Tai" soon which will be included in SBI subscriptions. If we need to use Tai more than expected, we'll be able to purchase tokens. It will be a LOT cheaper than using the paid version of ChatGPT4 which Tai will access.
But what's got me STOKED is that SBI/Tai also includes a very special "prompter." What stumps many people, myself included, is what to ask/tell ChatGPT to do! After all, "It's all in the Prompt" as I say in my freebie eBook.
+ + +
If you want to do it right, do it right the first time with Solo Build It!
They are having an Independence Day sale which runs from June 28th all the way to July 4th! Click the image below to see the sale in action!