I was recently contacted for advice regarding a Scout working toward Eagle Rank who was having difficulties with his advancement records being verified in Scoutbook. In addition to working with DWC staff on any technology issues (Gremlins / Ghosts in the Machine) that could be causing the difficulties with Scoutbook, I recommended that the Scout should locate and secure as evidence of his advancement:
1) All of his physical completed, signed and dated merit badge cards, MB certificates, and rank certificates that he should have received from his troop for each of his MB's and rank advancements.
2) His physical Scout handbook that should have been signed and dated for each of his rank advancements.
Glitches (Gremlins) in the on-line Scoutbook record system do happen, Scout leaders do make mistakes entering advancement items into the on-line Scoutbook database, Troop Advancement records do get misplaced, Merit Badge Counselors and Summer Camps do make mistakes and misplace merit badge records.
Scouts should always Be Prepared for any such unexpected mistakes or losses of their advancement records by keeping all of their copies of completed signed and dated merit badge blue cards and certificates, rank advancement certificates, and their Scout Handbook in a safe location at home.
Also, since Scouts take their Handbooks to meetings and on trips where they get well used, possibly soaked in rain or a lake, torn, dirty, and occasionally lost, an additional recommendation to Be Prepared:
After each rank advancement Board of review, either photocopy or keep a clear photo record of the Scout’s Handbook pages of the signed and dated completed rank requirements.
YIS, John Kemp, Massabesic Advancement Chair