Hello colleagues,
It’s hard to believe it’s just about Spring! The birds are chirping, the weather is getting warmer…and WIDA (or similar) testing is wrapping up for most!
Many school districts are looking at how they can support educators with professional development the last few months of school. Here at Immigrant Connections we are fully booked for synchronous trainings through the rest of the school year, but we have many openings in our asynchronous classes that we offer in partnership with English Learner Portal and UMass Global. The next round of these 5 hour, self-paced classes begins March 20 and ends June 30.
Also, for those of you who are already planning Back to School training in August, it’s not too early to book! Take a look at our catalog and schedule a call with me to discuss your needs.
As usual, we hope you will enjoy the resources below! Best, Laura
Laura Gardner, MSW Founder Immigrant Connections www.immigrantsrefugeesandschools.org