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It's Day 18!

It's a Conditioning and Pilates day, check out your videos in the day 18 module and WORK YOUR SOCKS OFF!

Today's audio is all about tricking the mind in various ways to turn wekanesses into strengths and negatives into positives! CLICK HERE for your 14 minute audio, be prepared for a little bit of madness part way through ;o)

Love Janey x

CLICK HERE to go to the Week 3 page which contains your Day 18 content (password: sugar)

Or CLICK HERE for the Welcome page (password: sugar)

The dangers of sugar

Is sugar toxic?

Another great read...

Click the image to find out more

Tasty low sugar recipe of the day!

Baked salmon

Fish fans will love this, very tasty and quick. I personally don't like to have tomatoes, but would do the fish like this and serve with more green veggies, perhaps with some garlic and lemon for taste!

Click the image for the recipe

Sugar Quiz...

What has a higher sugar content?

a) one Caramel piece (10g)

b) Strawberries (100g)

And the answer to yesterday's quiz is...

Both are terrible, however Marshmallows won this one with 14.5 teaspoons of sugar and the boiled sweets bag had 11.5.

Janey Holliday LTD

Heatherwood, Lennox Avenue, Sidmouth
United Kingdom

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