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Activate Divine Love 

Monthly Newsletter from Healing Queen Issue 4 

My harvest of lemon balm, chamomile and arugula


In this issue, I share a contemplation to welcome Fall Equinox. Also, the newsletter is a bit longer than usual as there are a few new offerings I want to highlight including the return of Love You, a 4-week online series and a special Vibrational Healing for Ancestral Healing on November 1.

A few things I'm grateful for this past month is launching the Alchemy of True Self group coaching program. I'm so excited to be with this group of incredible seekers who are saying yes to their soul purpose / life vision. I also have much gratitude for Sunder Ashni who attuned me to Light Language levels 1 & 2 this past month. It's been an incredible experience to connect to something that feels like it has been a part of me for lifetimes. Lastly, I'm honored to be part of a beautiful local project called Slow + Sustain. They have produced a magazine and curated a series of workshops. Get your copy and join me on September 27 for a panel discussion with Angela Sung & Megan Connolly at 11 am.

Feel free to share the newsletter to your networks. If you are reading this and not already on my email list feel free to sign up via this hyperlink.

Blessings, Reina

Hello Fall

Corn harvest with marigolds taken by @ladyursus instagram

Fall is my favorite season! I find this season a great time to reflect upon the harvest of your gifts for the past year even past season or two. I also love it because my birthday is in this season as is Dia de Los Muertos when the veil thins to commune with our ancestors. Even if you are not one to put up ofrendas (altars) for your ancestors, it's a beautiful time to begin the journey within.

All of us have gone through major shifts in our lives whether it has felt like a choice or not. Through this adjustment you may be evaluating what feels more like your truer self. Now is the time to harvest the gifts that have come through at this time.

The following exercise, I shared with folks in a workshop Harvesting your Gifts during the Bloom Goddess Series. Use this exercise if it resonates with you. 

Contemplation: Harvesting Your Gifts

Reflect on what you cultivated and how you bloomed in each season: Summer, Spring, Winter, and a year ago during Fall. From your list, make a note about which ones have manifested from a space of hope, magic, mysticism, higher vibrations? This insight will reveal your gifts and how you have grown and transformed. 

Now take a moment to reflect what needs to get rooted again to sustain your growth from now through Spring? If it helps listen to an older recording of a guided meditation, start at 2:43

During the fall equinox September 21-24, use this time to plant the dream seeds of your next growth. Keep using your gifts and see what shows up in Spring.

Alchemy of True Self Group Coaching

If you are having FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because you did not join Alchemy of True Self this month, there is no need to fret. Join me January 1st for the next three-month cycle. Alchemy of True Self  helps participants learn to unwind limiting beliefs and create a soulful alchemy of living a fully expressed life with joy, love, and harmony as they deepen their connection to their life's soul purpose.

Via weekly exercises and reflection prompts, participants gain tools and skills on how to expand their love and light vibration by bringing areas of their life into greater balance. Each month includes two group live sessions, weekly reflection prompts, 1-on-1 sessions, and the co-creation of a sacred space to receive a vibrational healing and sound bath. All meetings and sessions are held remotely.

This program is grounded in the creation of a sacred space to meet your soul purpose in a highly vibrational environment. You will learn more how to use tools such as crystals, essential oils, and other resources to understand your soulful alchemy. If you are ready to be intentional with your time, focus, and commit to cultivating your soulful alchemy in a supportive environment and process of self-exploration then let's set up a time to talk. Click on the link below to find more about the program. You can also set up a payment plan now to cover your costs.

Click to find out more about Alchemy of True Self
Love you, a 4-week on-line series

Love You presents a series of four signature workshops created by me. The workshops build upon the premise that when one unwinds limiting beliefs and meets their wounds and trauma with loving compassion, one can experience Divine Love and live in a more loving and joyful way. Divine Love is living a life in greater alignment with your heart and Spirit. By doing so, you create practices of self-love that then help you radiate love in all your relationships.

Each week focuses on a different theme to help heal our wounds around being loved. All the workshops include guided meditations, reflection prompts, a workbook, and the creation of a sacred space to receive a vibrational healing and sound bath at the end of each meeting.

Although it is encouraged to take the series, you can sign up for any one of the workshops that resonate with you. You have the option to purchase a private session as well. Click on the link below to register. Use code: Newsletter to save 10% on the purchase of the full series.

Register for Love You on-line series
Vibrational Healing Circles for Ancestral Healing

Vibrational Healing Circle for Ancestral Healing - This summer I began to share this offering via Minka Brooklyn (click on the hyperlink to register for Sept & Oct). I created this experience because of my personal journey to connecting with my ancestors. The gatherings invite participants to co-create a sacred space to ground them during the vibrational healing experience. The intentional space opens up the portal to invite their ancestors if this is something they seek to cultivate. 

I'm offering this on November 1st on a Sunday night at 6pm PST so folks on the east coast can join us too. It is limited to only 25 people and it's offered on a sliding scale. For folks who pay at the highest ticket price, it opens up the space for someone to join for free if they are not able to pay. The link to register takes you to the eventbrite page. 

Sign up for Nov 1 Vibrational Healing for Ancestral Healing
Upcoming Workshops and Offerings

All the workshops, vibrational healing circles, and remote sessions are done via zoom. For most current listings go to

On the new moon, Lunar Tarot Readings become available. These are intuitive readings done with a three-card tarot spread that is emailed to you. The readings are priced at $7.77. You can only claim this special rate once a year. A select number of readings are available from the New Moon to the Full Moon: September 17 - October 1. Purchase directly from my shop. Tips are welcomed via venmo @goodmexicangirl. As a perk for receiving and reading my newsletter, you get first access before the public on instagram to purchase your Lunar Tarot now. Please know that your reading will be emailed after September 17.

Pre-pay suite of 3 tarot readings - I am now offering a suite of three short tarot readings for the flat rate of $111. These readings are done remotely or by telephone call. The reading includes a rebis spread, archetype card and oracle card spread. 

Healing Queen Membership:  Sign up for any one of the three different membership levels to support your self-care practice. For details go to my on-line shop. Some perks include a free tarot reading after each session, an essential oil or crystal to support you on your journey, and 20% discount to workshops I offer not those co-presented via Minka Brooklyn or Mostly Angels. Special: Save 20% off on Premium and Deluxe Membership levels only. When you purchase from now until October 15, 2020 discount will be applied. Best part, you lock in on this rate for six months. You must be a member at these levels to keep the discounted rate for six months.

Remote sessions are available Wednesdays-Saturdays and by appointment Sundays-Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, I offer sliding scale on 50 minute sessions. For details head over to my booking site. By appointment only via Mostly Angels website and soon via Minka Brooklyn as well. 

Group Offerings:
Vibrational Healing Circle for Ancestral Healing is September 18 via Minka Brooklyn. If you are a Minka member, you can register for this offering for free. 

Visioning Circle & Guided Meditation is now offered at Minka Brooklyn on September 19 

Goddess Meditation is available only through Mostly Angels on September 21

Next free Full Moon Vibrational Healing Circle and Guided Meditation is October 1st, 8pm PST. Register via eventbrite. Donations are welcomed via venmo @goodmexicangirl. 

May we continue to connect as we navigate collectively the shifts of this moment. Wishing you all continued blessings.

Healing Queen

1111 Loves Way, Universal LIght, CA 90000          United States

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