Anyone out there that wants to buy my business? 

In February 2019, I sent out a very different type of email - it was a clarion call: "Anyone want to buy my training business?" (and the 'P.S.' at the bottom of this email is an update as at February 2021).

I introduced the topic by saying: "This email has something akin to the Golden Ticket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" because (1) only a very small number of people will be able to benefit from it, and (2)... well, we’ll see that one soon. 

Answering your mystical call (crystal ball on the table). Step back: six years ago, someone predicted how we'd communicate information in 2019 – see Figure, it's a wonderful satire of infographics, and I adore the 'FORMAT' graph at the bottom.

As for the next six years, here are my two predictions:

1. Clarity will always enhance your career: fashions come and go (infographics...), and technology changes, but the one constant is clarity. Being clear always makes you look good. It saves time. It leads to better outcomes. It impresses.

2. I will be teaching similar stuff: apparently, the “pace of change is quickening”, but study 'clarity' - 25 years ago, I started giving talks on this stuff, and what I teach now is very similar. (Which is great if you attend one of my Courses... attend a Course to learn an IT System, and two years later, you must do another Course to learn the New Improved IT System. Compare that to a 'clarity' Course - it lasts a lifetime, it's the gift that keeps giving.) 

Two predictions... but the second won’t come to pass. Yes, the same stuff will be taught - but not by me. I'll have retired (I'm no spring chicken). Someone else will carry the torch for me.

Charlie and the Clarity Factory - who can carry on the Clarity Crusade? There’s a huge market out there – the world overflows with unclear packs, reports, and more. I’m a one-man band, and all I’ve done is scratch the surface. Do you know a firm or person that wants, after a suitable handover from me, to carry on with the Crusade? If you do, let me know, I’d love to have a chat. Three quick thoughts on this: (1) I’m not hanging up my boots for at least three years - this is a long-term plan; (2) to get the Ticket, you needn't buy choccy - but it won't be free either; (3) please... no agencies or commission-seeking types.

I'll sit tight and wait for my Inbox to fill up with emails from people enquiring about this Ticket (and to rejig a lyric from the Country & Western song that Warren Buffett mentions in his annual report: "If the phone doesn't ring, I'll know it's you").


PS February 2021 update: after sending out this email, I met and had talks with a number of people, but nothing came from them. Then Covid appeared, and everything changed anyway. Notwithstanding, if you read this email and are interested, get in touch.


Clarity and Impact Ltd | +44 20 8840 4507 | |

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