Fun boredom busters for ALL ages!

Fun for the Entire Family!

So, keepin' it many times have your kids said, "I'm bored" this week? (Actually, it's usually more like, "I'm booooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred," isn't it? 😂) I consider myself incredibly lucky that my boys don't use the phrase very often, but it has definitely come up a few times this week. 

We FaceTime chatted with a few friends yesterday, and we heard "I'm SO bored!" about 20 times in just a few minutes from some of the kids! It's okay, though! We totally get it. Being at home for days on end isn't our usual routine, and it can definitely become a little repetitive for ALL of us!

Today, we're sharing some creative boredom buster ideas that will (hopefully!) keep everyone occupied and entertained for a long while to keep those "I'm bored"s away! 

Toddlers & Preschoolers:

Elementary Kids:

  • Recycle old milk and juice cartons into these colorful Milk Carton Bird Feeders!
  • God's Eyes are a classic kids craft, and I love how these Modern God's Eyes put a fresh spin on the classic by mixing up different thicknesses and textures of yarn! 
  • While you have the yarn out, you can also make these fun Straw Woven Bracelets!

Tweens & Teens:


Have a Cricut Maker machine? It's my favorite tool in my craft room, hands down! Make these pretty DIY Floral Wooden Monogram letters with your Cricut Maker (or cut by hand with an Xacto knife and scissors!) to add some spring cheer to your home! 

XOXO, Heidi


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Happiness is Homemade

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