So, keepin' it many times have your kids said, "I'm bored" this week? (Actually, it's usually more like, "I'm booooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred," isn't it? 😂) I consider myself incredibly lucky that my boys don't use the phrase very often, but it has definitely come up a few times this week.
We FaceTime chatted with a few friends yesterday, and we heard "I'm SO bored!" about 20 times in just a few minutes from some of the kids! It's okay, though! We totally get it. Being at home for days on end isn't our usual routine, and it can definitely become a little repetitive for ALL of us!
Today, we're sharing some creative boredom buster ideas that will (hopefully!) keep everyone occupied and entertained for a long while to keep those "I'm bored"s away!