Hey there ,

Whenever I'm drawing comics I'm thinking about just when to depict something.

In other words, there's maybe four or five different stages of an action you can show. If someone's tying their shoes, do you show the laces pulled out just starting, or the bow already made, pulling the laces tight? Do you show someone pouring a cup of coffee or drinking it?

Usually it doesn't make a big difference. Sometimes it does. Take kissing for example. It always looks funny to me to see a couple kissing in comics, it loses a lot of the romantic/erotic appeal and seems to look like two puzzle pieces locking up:

So, whenever I draw an intimate scene and I want to turn up the heat (doesn't hurt if it's in a shower scene) I go for the 'almost kiss.':

Your imagination is already putting the image of three seconds from now in your head, creating a nice kind of tension. After all, it's the emotional reaction I'm going for, not the literal depiction. Agree? Disagree?

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