Photos from Priests Study Days; Renewal is a team sport; St. Michael's Renewal & new statue |
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Today's Readings & Reflection
But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich towards God.’ ~ Luke 12:20-21 | Read today's Readings & Reflection
#Renewal | Witness to Christ in Words & Deeds |
You are called. You matter. You belong. |
Celebrating and praying for St. Michael's intercession, the community moves forward in their journey of Renewal. More
For three years, Father Jochem Van Velthoven led parish renewal at Catharina Parochie, Oosterhout, Netherlands. He built a leadership team, launched Alpha sessions, and many more. But on June 16, Father Jochem couldn’t get out of bed. More
Marking 30 years since the first World Meeting of Families in 1994! Dive into a 10-minute mini-documentary that brings together powerful moments with Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis, in their important message for the family. Watch now
Lebanon needs your prayers and help. As violence spreads, families are losing their homes, safety, and hope. Bishop McGrattan urges us not to look away. Pray for peace and support those providing shelter, food, and care. Your help can make a difference. More
Honour the fallen this Remembrance Day by volunteering at the Field of Crosses. On Nov 10 and Nov 11, St. Mary's University need your hearts and hands to organize the Night of Lights, place candles at memorials, and offer tributes for those who gave everything. Register
40 Hours Devotion for Vocations
- St. Anthony's, Calgary - Fri, Nov 1 at 3 pm to Sun, Nov 3 at 7 am (Chapel)
- Ascension Parish, Calgary - Thu, Nov 7 at 7:30 pm to Sat, Nov 9 at 4 pm
- Holy Name, Calgary - Fri, Nov 15 at 5 am to Sat, Nov 16 at 9 pm
- St. Augustine's, Taber - Mon, Nov 25 at 3 am to Tue, Nov 26 at 7 pm
On Sep 20, Saint Luke's Church in Calgary was filled with a spirit of gratitude as the Knights of Columbus hosted the 45th Annual Sisters Night. More
St. Paul’s Parish in Airdrie hosted its first 40 Hours of Adoration for Vocations, uniting the faithful from Northern Calgary and beyond in prayer. More
Career Opportunities |
Career opportunities within Calgary's Catholic community:
For detailed job descriptions and application process, visit our Careers page
Sat, Oct 26 at 5:30 pm - Paul's Family Residence in Bearspaw, Calgary | Join us with a BBQ dinner and enjoy an evening with Mike MacDonald from Mission Mexico. Register
Oct 25, 9 am to 3 pm, St. Luke’s Catholic Parish, Calgary | Join the GrACE October Summit 2024: "Testify! Share the Reason for Your Hope." Unite, renew, and celebrate Catholic education. Register
Sat, Nov 2, 5 pm–11 pm, Strathmore Civic Centre (120 Brent Blvd, Strathmore, AB) | Celebrate at the 10th Annual Fall Dinner & Auction Fundraiser for Strathmore Sacred Heart Church—an evening of dining, auctions, and community spirit. To register, call 403-934-4817. More
Tue, Nov 12, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Cathedral | Parents grieving the loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth are invited to join Bishop McGrattan in a prayer gathering to commend their children to God's embrace, with family and friends welcome to offer support. Register
ABLAZE Youth Ministry
Fri, Nov. 1 at 7 to 9 pm, St. Bonaventure's, Calgary | For Gr. 9-12. Fun and worship with FacetoFace Ministries. More
Led by a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechist, this workshop equips families with tools to deepen faith during Advent through prayer, scripture, and hands-on activities. Limited space. Register now
- Oct 21-Dec 9 - Connected & Reconnected: Recovery from Pornography, via Zoom
- Tue, Oct 22 - Gilbertine Academy and Holy House of Our Lady & St. John Tour - St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Fri, Oct 25 - Brick-by-Brick Dinner Fundraiser - St. Gabriel the Archangel, Chestermere
- Oct 25-26 - Journeying Together Workshop for those grieving pregnancy and infant loss - Catholic Pastoral Centre
- Thu, Oct 24 - Lectio Divina/The Storm at Sea - CCCB Webinar
- Thu, Oct 24 - Benedictine Spirituality - Online
- NEW! Fri, Oct 25 - Q&A on Mental Health & Illness - Online
- Sat, Oct 26 - Priestly Vocations Night - St. Luke's, Calgary
- Sat, Oct 26 - Porcelain Art Painting - Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta - Calgary
- Mon, Oct 28 - Quilting a Stained Glass Window of my Life - FCJ Centre, Calgary
- Fri, Nov 1 - Solemnity of All Saints (Mass at the Cathedral at 9 am - or contact your parish)
- Sat, Nov 2 - Feast of All Souls (Mass at the Cathedral at 1:30 pm - or contact your parish)
- Fri, Nov 1 - ABLAZE - Youth Ministry - FacetoFace Ministries (Gr. 9-12) - St. Bonaventure, Calgary
- Nov 1-3 - 40 Hours Devotion for Vocations - St. Anthony's, Calgary
- Sat, Nov 2 - Rosary Brigade - outside of St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Sat, Nov 2 - 10th Annual Fall Dinner & Auction Fundraiser - Sacred Heart Church, Strathmore
- Nov 7-9 - Cultivating a Culture of Life - Prolife Action Conference - Bethel United Reformed Church, Calgary
- Nov 7-9 - 40 Hours Devotion for Vocations - Ascension, Calgary
- Fri, Nov 8 - St. Pius X 70th Anniversary - Winsport/Canada Olympic Park
- Sat, Nov 9 - Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
- NEW! Sun, Nov 10 - St Martin of Tours Lantern Walk - St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Tue, Nov 12 - Memorial Liturgy for those mourning the loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth - St. Mary's Cathedral
- NEW! Nov, 12 at 8 am to Nov 13 at 8 am - Adoration for Vocations with the Religious & Consecrated in the Diocese - Our Lady Queen of Peace, Calgary
- NEW! Wed, Nov 13 - Practice the Faith at home with your family - Our Family Prayer & Sacred Space - Catholic Pastoral Centre
- NEW! Sat, Nov 16 - Ascension CWL Festive Market - Ascension Parish, Calgary
- Thu, Nov 21 - Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- NEW! Wed, Nov 27 - Practice the Faith at home with your family - Meeting Jesus the Good Shepherd - Catholic Pastoral Centre
- Sat, Nov 30- Feast of St. Andrew
- Sun, Dec 1 - Advent Season begins
- SAVE THE DATE: Dec 3, 4, 5 at 7 pm to 8:30 pm - Diocesan Renewal Advent Mission - at your parish
- 2024 Monthly Liturgical Calendar - click here
If you have been admitted to any of the following hospitals in Calgary and would like the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, you may contact your parish priest or call the Diocese of Calgary Call Centre at 403-231-9505.
Alberta Children Hospital; Foothill Hospital; Peter Lougheed Hospital; Rockyview General Hospital; South Health Campus
Adoration Hours in the Diocese
Venite Adoremus! Let us worship Him in in the Blessed Sacrament. Check out the list of Adoration Hours in parishes across the Diocese | See schedule
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Calendar of events in the Diocese of Calgary and beyond
Job opportunities in the Diocese and other Catholic organizations
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You are called. You matter. You belong.
These simple yet profound words capture the essence of our Pastoral Renewal. Jesus personally calls each one of us to follow Him and to remain by His side, for He deeply loves us.
And it is not merely a call; it is a profound affirmation that we truly matter. Every aspect of our lives - our dreams, our struggles, our joys - carries immense significance, for we are integral parts of God’s divine plan. Each one of us, in our uniqueness, contributes to the beauty and unfolding of God’s gift of salvation in the world.
In this pilgrim journey of faith, let us be reminded that we belong to the Body of Christ, a community of disciples united in the one mission, and bound together by the love of our Lord.
We invite you to join our diocesan Church and begin a journey of renewal together!
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Find calendar of Saints remembered by the Church. This page feature the stories of the great witnesses of Christian life through the centuries, lighting our way on our journey of faith.
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Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Holy Father's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. From time to time, the Holy Father may add a second prayer intention related to current events or urgent needs, like disaster relief. The second prayer request will help mobilize prayer and action related to the urgent situation.