Gundula Schulze Eldowy
Booth RED 4
Via Giacomo Mattè Trucco, 70, 10126 Torino TO, Italy

Opening hours:
Friday, November 1, & Saturday, November 2, 12–8pm
Sunday, November 3, 11–7pm


EBENSPERGER is pleased to present a solo booth by the GDR-born photographer Gundula Schulze Eldowy, offering an insight into the artist's more than 40-year career.


Gundula Schulze Eldowy, New York 1990 (Pope), From the Series "In einem Wind aus Sternenstaub", 1990, c-print laminated on Forex, framed, signed, dated, titled; 190×135×10 cm © Gundula Schulze Eldowy

The solo-presentation focuses on the artist's work from the years 1980 to
1993, which is marked by the collapse of socialism and the resulting radical
change in her visual language. With a selection of original vintage print photographs - from the early portraits of people on the margins of society under socialism, to her encounters with the avant-garde in New York - the exceptional quality of Schulze Eldowy's work is on display. An outstanding female artist and as such a solitaire among the photographers of her time.

☞ Find more information on our website.


Jens Pecho
Things That Are Over
Fichtebunker, Fichtestraße 6, 10967 Berlin, Germany

Opening hours: Tuesday–Saturday 12am–6pm and by appointment

Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Franz West, Bruno S., Blala W. Hallmann 
featuring Jens Pecho in NEW POSITIONS
Messepl. 1, 50679 Köln, Germany
+49 030 20929150

