AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

23 January 2018

ICMI Study 24

School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities 

This is the latest study to be conducted by the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction (ICMI). The Discussion Document outlines the issues to be addressed in the Study and includes a Call for Contributions from people with interest and expertise in the area. Download the Discussion Document from www.mathunion.org/icmi/news-and-events/2017-12-18/call-submissions-contributions-icmi-study-24-conference

Back to school: resources from AAMT

As teachers head back to school, this issue of AAMT's e-news focusses on some of the (sometimes older) online resources that are available from AAMT – that may have been buried, lost or forgotten…


AAMT's new professional learning site: download powerpoint slides and handouts; use online tools to track your learning; network with other educators.


Top Drawer Teachers

What's in your top drawer? Big ideas, common misunderstandings, examples of good teaching, assessment ideas, and student materials on a variety of topics: fractions, geometric reasoning, mental computation, patterns, reasoning, and statistics.


Make It Count: Maths and Indigenous Learners

A site to support schools with pathways, strategies, tools and resources to improve the mathematics and numeracy outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. Based on the work of the eight Make it Count clusters during 2009–13, the resource is organised around Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.


Photo Maths

A collection of photos with accompanying mathematical activities and investigations.


TLF Units of Work

A collection of units of work for a wide variety of year levels that were developed by teachers from around Australia. Units can be downloaded as Word documents and topics include time, arrays, fractions, area and perimeter, and more. Units include references to electronic resources, print resources (many include worksheets for students to use) and other physical resources.


reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry

A national program run in conjunction with the Australian Academy of Science that provides resources (Foundation to Year 10) to help students learn mathematics in innovative and engaging ways.


AAMT policies and position statements

AAMT has written policies and statements to help guide schools and educators on a wide variety of topics  including assessment, professional learning, early childhood mathematics, consumer and financial literacy, and more…



A subscription website hosting a collection of interesting and successful mathematics lessons. Maths300 lessons are highly accessible to a broad range of students, featuring low floor, high ceiling tasks. Lessons embrace qualities such as non-threatening learning environments, open-ended inquiry, broadening pedagogical and assessment repertoires, success for all, the role of context and the inclusion of technology.


AAMT journal articles

AAMT has a growing collection of free articles from its three journals – Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, The Australian Mathematics Teacher, Australian Senior Mathematics Journal – available for download.


AAMT's webshop

Books, manipulatives, software and more. Shopping for a resource? Try AAMT's webshop!


[featured resource] Becoming The Maths Teacher You Wish You'd Had: Ideas and Strategies from Vibrant Classrooms

Tracy Johnston Zager

What does 'doing mathematics' entail? Each chapter in this book is organised around the real work of doing mathematics in classrooms by students and teachers as practised by mathematicians – demonstrating that mathematics is about reasoning and proof, but also about making connections, rising to challenges, taking risks, and making mistakes. It is full of stories, ideas and strategies to try. Read it in its entirety or dip into individual sections. A great basis for staff professional learning!

#HBL002 $62.00 * AAMT members $49.60 *


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

'When Are We Going to Use This?' Strategies to Help Students Find Relevance in School Work

Interview: ‘Everyone, Whether a Historian or a Geologist, Should Learn Mathematics’

How to avoid a sucker bet – with a little help from maths

Using Quests in Project-Based Learning

Teaching STEM and Programming—No Experience Needed

Fewer students make the grade for teaching courses as new standards take effect

My second life as a teacher

Math and Its Divisions

How ‘chatty maths’ boosted my students’ engagement and confidence in mathematics

Finding the Beauty of Math Outside of Class

In Praise of Simple Problems

'I feel completely in control': stress-busting teaching strategies for 2018

How Feedback for Teachers and Principals Helped Their Students Do Better in Math

After 14 Years, FedEx Employee Makes Major Math Discovery. There's a new longest known prime number

How To Inspire More Young Women To Enter STEM In 2018

Guiding Students to Be Independent Learners

Connect with AAMT on social networks for more links to online news, tools and tips!

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GPO Box 1729 Adelaide SA 5001 | 08 8363 0288 | office@aamt.edu.au | www.aamt.edu.au