OLYMPIA – The Port of Olympia has made operational changes due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Thurston County.
Effective immediately, all Port of Olympia offices will be closed to the public until further notice, out of an abundance of caution to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Port business and administrative functions will continue with limited access to the general public. Staff is available by phone and email. Access to Port offices are as follows:
Port administrative office is operational. However, the Port administrative office will be closed to the public. Business will be conducted via telephone, email, or website. In-person meetings are available by request. Administrative Office: (360) 528-8000.
Port Commission meetings will continue to take place remotely. Regularly scheduled Port Commission meetings and work sessions have been conducted via Zoom Webinar to adhere to the required social distancing guidelines. Access information for these meetings is posted on the Port of Olympia’s Commission webpage at https://portolympia.com/commission/.
Swantown Marina is operational. However, offices will be closed to the public and business will be conducted via telephone, email, or website. Maintenance and Harbor Operations personnel will be on-site but will be practicing social distancing. The marine fueling station will remain operational. Harbor Patrol is operating on an emergency basis only. The Swantown Marina guest dock is open and available for destination visitors. Swantown Marina: (360) 528-8049
Swantown Boatworks is operational. Swantown Boatworks office and work yard are operational. Marine Travelift operations will continue and office matters will be conducted via the office service window. Business can still be conducted via telephone, email, or website. Boatyard personnel are on-site but will continue to practice social distancing. Swantown Boatworks: (360) 528-8059.
The Marine Terminal will remain operational unless otherwise instructed by the U.S. Coast Guard. Access to the marine terminal will be limited. All ship visits and community tours remain canceled. Marine Terminal: (360) 528-8033
Olympia Regional Airport is operational. However, the administration office will be closed and business will be conducted via telephone, email, or website.
Olympia Regional Airport: (360) 528-8079.
Real Estate is available to provide property showings. Inquiries or any tenant questions can be directed to (360) 528-8012.
Harbor Patrol is operating on an emergency basis only. In the event of an emergency, please contact 9-1-1.
The Port continues to work with our regional partners to address the economic impacts of COVID-19. For more information on how the Thurston Regional Economic Recovery Task Force is developing and coordinating a multi-faceted response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and its specific impacts to and throughout our broader Thurston County Community visit: https://www.thurstonstrong.org/.
The Port of Olympia continues to take our lead from Thurston County Public Health. We encourage Thurston County residents to visit their website to stay up-to-date with the latest public health information and answers to specific questions about COVID-19. https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/phss/Pages/coronavirus.aspx.