Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY! And it is gorgeous, let me tell you. A beautiful summer, perfect for growing things: And a perfect time for hunkering down and taking care of those aspects of life that we normally don't have time for. Family. Rest and recuperation. Intellectual development. Although I have had the temptation to overwork (the world outside isn't as appealing as my own demesne), I find that simply sitting on the porch to read the Lord of the Rings for the twelfth time is much preferable to sitting staring at a screen for hours. I have to ask your patience with me. I often share useful and inspiring stories here on my newsletter, but because of the mad rush to get book 5 done, I haven't had as much time to search and read on the internet. I promise that soon I will start doing that again. To tide you over, here is a most perfect article about gardening and stories. I almost (no, definitely) wish I had written it myself :) Before wishing you a good, healthy, and joyful weekend, I wanted to share a recent review of the just-released The Throne of the Gods. It was humbling and joyful to read: "When I read book 1 of this series, I seriously considered stopping there. Despite some interesting ideas and world building, there were a lot of issues with execution and clunky prose so that I wasn't sure I wanted to continue. However, there were some parts, scenes or character choices, that spoke of potential yet unrealized, and I decided to give the next book a chance. The paperback is coming next week, so stay tuned for that. Thank you again for coming along with me on this writerly series of adventures I'm on! ~Nicky Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs