Celebrating our jubilarians: Fr. Jack Pereira, Fr. Tim Boyle, Fr. Joseph Canh Vu, OP and Fr. Kevin Tumback! |
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A note from, Solomon Ip, writer & compiler of the Jubilarian highlights today:
Once again, we arrive at the yearly celebration of our Jubilarian priests. What this jubilee class lacks in terms of quantity, it most definitely makes up for in quality. This year, we have four well-respected pastors, among whom we find two Vicars General of our diocese, the current Vicar for Clergy, a former refugee, the founding pastors of parishes, and priests who pastored their congregations as they built new churches.
This year, I am also extremely excited to be able to collaborate with one of my seminarian brothers on these jubilarian interviews. Jeffrell Painaga is a perfect candidate to write about Fr. Jack Pereira, and I am so grateful finally to share this experience with one of my brothers.
It is through the witness of many great pastors that young men are inspired to follow in their footsteps. Fathers, please think of these articles that the two of us wrote as our gratitude and our admiration; we can only hope to follow Christ so boldly, should we one day share in Christ’s priesthood.
Brothers and sisters, please join us in prayer for an increase in vocations. ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’ ~Matthew 9:37
Fr. Joaquim (Jack) Pereira: "Are you ready to serve?"
God’s call to the priesthood is unique to each man, yet priests play a profound role in inspiring others along this journey. In this special guest article, seminarian Jeffrell Painaga reflects upon how Fr. Joaquim (Jack) Pereira has led by example, guiding his growth in Christian life and service during his pastorship at St. Anthony’s, Calgary. Read now
Fr. Tim Boyle: God walks with me
The life of a priest is in many ways one of being “alter Christus” — of being another Christ. Fr. Tim reflects on 50 years of sharing in the Incarnation of Christ, the Word made Flesh, and of incarnating Christ here in the prairies of Southern Alberta. Read now | Linda Kinahan shares highlights from Fr. Tim's 50th Anniversary celebration in Taber, AB. Read now
Fr. Joseph Canh Vu, OP: Steadfastness
A vocation to priesthood or to religious life is not an easy undertaking, and Fr. Canh Vu’s has faced many serious obstacles on his way to both as a refugee from Vietnam settling in a foreign land where he has now spent his entire ministry of 40 years. Read more
Fr. Kevin Tumback: Here I am, Lord
In his own unique style, Fr. Kevin Tumback shares his vocational journey, from small-town Saskatchewan to the hotels of Banff, to the floor of the cathedral and beyond. He tells us of the trials and the consolations, and the anecdotal touchstones along the way. Read more
40 Hours Devotion for Vocations
- St. Anthony's, Calgary - Fri, Nov 1 at 3 pm to Sun, Nov 3 at 7 am (Chapel)
- Ascension Parish, Calgary - Thu, Nov 7 at 7:30 pm to Sat, Nov 9 at 4 pm
- Holy Name, Calgary - Fri, Nov 15 at 5 am to Sat, Nov 16 at 9 pm
- St. Augustine's, Taber - Mon, Nov 25 at 3 am to Tue, Nov 26 at 7 pm
Today's Readings & Reflection
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. ~Ephesian 2:19-20 | Read today's Readings & Reflection
Sts. Simon and Jude, pray for us
#Renewal | Witness to Christ in Words & Deeds |
You are called. You matter. You belong. |
"Imagine my reaction when I held a door open for a lady with a walker. I didn't know her but imagined her to be in her early eighties. I assumed she'd pass me, enter the church and I would probably never see her again..." Read more
Career Opportunities |
Career opportunities within Calgary's Catholic community:
For detailed job descriptions and application process, visit our Careers page
Save the date, Dec 3-5 (Tue, Wed, Thu) from 7 to 8:30 pm for the Diocesan Advent Renewal Mission. More
Events & resources for individuals and families for the Solemnity of All Saints. Read now
Events & resources for individuals and families for the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed. Read now
NEW LOCATION! Sat, Nov 9 & 23 - St. Peter's Parish, Calgary | The Diocese of Calgary invites all ministers to Pastoral Care Ministry Training to support the sick, elderly, homebound, and bereaved. Contact your parish for approval. Register by Nov 5 at catholicyyc.ca/pastoralcare
Tue, Nov 12, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Cathedral | Parents grieving the loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth are invited to join Bishop McGrattan in a prayer gathering to commend their children to God's embrace. All are welcome! Parents: please register here -
Singles Encounter
Fri-Sun, Nov 15-17, Entheos Retreat Centre — Singles Encounter for ages 19+, a chance to deepen your relationships and faith. More
Praise & Worship
Fri, Nov 15, 7 pm, St. Bonaventure, Calgary — All-ages Praise & Worship evening, followed by a hot cocoa social. More
Wed, Nov 13, 7 pm - 8:30 pm, Catholic Pastoral Centre. First of a 3-part workshop series to help families deepen faith at home during Advent - through prayer, scripture and hands-on activities. Register now
Thu, Nov 14, 6:30 pm - 9 pm, FCJ Centre, Calgary | Join speaker Dr. Peter Baltutis, and discover how Catholics can address polarization through a "see-discern-act" approach, using Gospels and Catholic Social Teaching. More
- Sat, Oct 31 - Solemnity of All Saints (Eve) - (Mass at the Cathedral at 7 pm - or contact your parish)
- NEW! Oct 31 - Nov 3 - Hell, Purgatory, Paradise Exhibition: Discover the Profound Reality of Afterlife - St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- NEW! Oct 31 at 9 pm to Nov 1 at 1 am - Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Fri, Nov 1 - All Saints Day (Mass at the Cathedral at 5 pm - or contact your parish)
- Fri, Nov 1 - ABLAZE - Youth Ministry - FacetoFace Ministries (Gr. 9-12) - St. Bonaventure, Calgary
- Sat, Nov 2 - All Souls Day (Mass at the Cathedral at 1:30 pm - or contact your parish)
- Nov 1-3 - 40 Hours Devotion for Vocations - St. Anthony's, Calgary
- Sat, Nov 2 - Rosary Brigade - outside of St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Sat, Nov 2 - 10th Annual Fall Dinner & Auction Fundraiser - Sacred Heart Church, Strathmore
- NEW! Thu, Nov 7 - Finding God in All Things (Through Nature) - FCJ Centre
- Nov 7-9 - Cultivating a Culture of Life - Prolife Action Conference - Bethel United Reformed Church, Calgary
- Nov 7-9 - 40 Hours Devotion for Vocations - Ascension, Calgary
- Fri, Nov 8 - St. Pius X 70th Anniversary - Winsport/Canada Olympic Park
- Nov 8-11 - Come and See the Life of the Franciscans - Mount St. Francis, Cochrane
- Sat, Nov 9 - Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
- NEW! Sat, Nov 9 - Pastoral Care Ministry Training, St. Peter's, Calgary
- Nov 10-11 - Field of Crosses - Calgary
- Sun, Nov 10 - St Martin of Tours Lantern Walk - St. John the Evangelist, Calgary
- Tue, Nov 12 - Memorial Liturgy for those mourning the loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth - St. Mary's Cathedral
- Nov, 12 at 8 am to Nov 13 at 8 am - Adoration for Vocations with the Religious & Consecrated in the Diocese - Our Lady Queen of Peace, Calgary
- Wed, Nov 13 - Practice the Faith at home with your family - Our Family Prayer & Sacred Space - Catholic Pastoral Centre
- NEW! Day Away Retreat - Pilgrims of Prayer - Mount St. Francis, Cochrane
- NEW! Mon, Nov 14 - The Catholic Church's Mission in a Polarized World - Public Lecture by Dr Peter Baltutis - FCJ Centre
- NEW! Nov 15-17 - Singles Encounter - Entheos Retreat Centre
- NEW! Tue, Nov 15 - Praise & Worship Night for Family - St. Bonaventure, Calgary
- NEW! Nov 15-17 - Pilgrims of Hope - Men's Silent Retreat - Mount St. Francis, Cochrane
- NEW! Sat, Nov 16 - Ascension CWL Festive Market - Ascension Parish, Calgary
- NEW! Sat, Nov 16 - Holy Spirit CWL Craft Sale - Holy Spirit, Calgary
- NEW! Mon, Nov 18 - The Art of Accompaniment - The Incarnation - St. Martha's, Lethbridge and livestreamed
- NEW! Wed, Nov 20 - Red Wednesday
- Thu, Nov 21 - Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- NEW! Sat, Nov 23 - St. Luke's CWL Christmas Market - St. Luke's, Calgary
- NEW! Nov 25-26 - 40 Hours Devotion for Vocations - St. Augustine, Taber
- Wed, Nov 27 - Practice the Faith at home with your family - Meeting Jesus the Good Shepherd - Catholic Pastoral Centre
- NEW! Wed, Nov 27 - Advent Twilight Retreat - Mt. St. Francis Retreat Centre, Cochrane
- NEW! Nov 29 - Dec 1 - Ignatian Retreat: The Ascetical and Mystical Life: Fighting Vice and Growing in Virtue - FCJ Centre
- Sat, Nov 30- Feast of St. Andrew
- NEW! Sat Nov 30 - CWL Advent Retreat - St. Martha, Lethbridge
- NEW! Sat Nov 30 - CWL Advent Retreat - St. Paul, Airdrie
- Sun, Dec 1 - Advent Season begins
- SAVE THE DATE: Dec 3, 4, 5 at 7 pm to 8:30 pm - Renewed in Hope: Diocesan Renewal Advent Mission - at your parish
- 2024 Monthly Liturgical Calendar - click here
If you have been admitted to any of the following hospitals in Calgary and would like the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, you may contact your parish priest or call the Diocese of Calgary Call Centre at 403-231-9505.
Alberta Children Hospital; Foothill Hospital; Peter Lougheed Hospital; Rockyview General Hospital; South Health Campus
Adoration Hours in the Diocese
Venite Adoremus! Let us worship Him in in the Blessed Sacrament. Check out the list of Adoration Hours in parishes across the Diocese | See schedule
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You are called. You matter. You belong.
These simple yet profound words capture the essence of our Pastoral Renewal. Jesus personally calls each one of us to follow Him and to remain by His side, for He deeply loves us.
And it is not merely a call; it is a profound affirmation that we truly matter. Every aspect of our lives - our dreams, our struggles, our joys - carries immense significance, for we are integral parts of God’s divine plan. Each one of us, in our uniqueness, contributes to the beauty and unfolding of God’s gift of salvation in the world.
In this pilgrim journey of faith, let us be reminded that we belong to the Body of Christ, a community of disciples united in the one mission, and bound together by the love of our Lord.
We invite you to join our diocesan Church and begin a journey of renewal together!
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Find calendar of Saints remembered by the Church. This page feature the stories of the great witnesses of Christian life through the centuries, lighting our way on our journey of faith.
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Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Holy Father's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. From time to time, the Holy Father may add a second prayer intention related to current events or urgent needs, like disaster relief. The second prayer request will help mobilize prayer and action related to the urgent situation.