floating icons
50% off one page websites - Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!
Only £750 for a high performing, custom website you can edit yourself - all through January. Just hit the button, fill in the form and we’ll get started.
Let's do this
Making a styleguide in Adobe XD
In other news - I put up a tutorial on how I create style guides at the start of a project. It’s a a great way to make sure all work for one project / client stays in line and works well as a collection. It only takes a few minutes and is guaranteed to make your life easier.
>   Learn to be a style guru
Lottie animation on hover in Webflow
You may or may not have noticed that I’ve upgraded the icons on my website. These are simple animations I made in After Effects and exported as Lottie files. I had some trouble getting them to play properly on hover so this short video will show you the way.
>   Hover like Marty McFly

Any Requests?
Seen something dope that you don’t know how to make? Maybe I do. Fill in a request (you need to scroll down a little bit on the page to get to the form) and if I know how to do it, I'll teach you.
Ooh, I have one!
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