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Issue #30

Read the Expectant Mother's Guide online.


Your Body throughout Pregnancy


Before pregnancy, most of the space in your abdomen is taken up by the large and small intestines. There is no real separation between the areas of your pelvis and abdomen. In the picture here, you can see that the vagina is behind the bladder (sac that collects urine) and urethra (tube for moving urine out of bladder and body). In its normal position, your uterus is above and behind the bladder, with the cervix protruding into the vagina. The pelvic colon, rectum and anal canal are behind the vagina and uterus.

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Strategies for Specific Triggers of Anxiety during Childbirth


1. List of things that make you feel safe. 2. Your usual way of coping with pain and fear. 3. List of possible triggers of anxiety, body memories or flashbacks that may occur during childbirth. Check those that evoke anxiety reactions. These are the items for which to plan specific personalized strategies. You describe what makes it fearful and you and your counsellor strategize to avoid it or cope with it. Keep this sheet to discuss with your caregiver and to refer to in labour.

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How will labour be different if I choose labour induction at 39 weeks?


Recently, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists stated that it is reasonable to offer induction at 39 weeks to women with low-risk pregnancies who are sure of their due dates. Induction at 39 weeks does not result in better outcomes for the baby, but it may slightly reduce the risk for caesarean surgery (although some health care providers disagree with this). If you choose induction at 39 weeks, your experience of labour and birth will be different than if you let labour begin on its own. This chart explains the differences. It is based on the most common labour induction method of using IV synthetic oxytocin to induce labour and assumes that your pregnancy is considered low-risk.

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WHO Recommendations Support the Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices (2018) Healthy birth


Let labour begin on its own. “Induction of labour should be performed only when there is a clear medical indication for it and the expected benefits outweigh its potential harms.” “Induction of labour should be performed with caution since the procedure carries the risk of uterine hyperstimulation and rupture and foetal distress.

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Brought to you by the SACLC

Successful breastfeeding begins right at Birth


Whether the delivery of a baby goes exactly as expected or veers down a completely unexpected path, the early removal of colostrum is an important part of getting breastfeeding off to a good start.

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What pregnant families really need to know to get breastfeeding started off right


Most prenatal classes tend to focus on “information” about breastfeeding like how it works or lists of all the things that can go wrong. So, whether we are teaching formal classes, having informal conversations in support groups or just talking to friends and family there are just a few points to cover to help new mothers be successful in the first days of breastfeeding.

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Skin to Skin

Attachment parenting – an introduction


The day you bring your baby home from hospital is momentous. She’s fallen asleep in the car, and you carry her into the nursery. It’s freshly painted with a beautiful new bassinet, and a rocking chair for night time feeding. You put her down ever so gently, breathing a sigh of relief; it’s been a big day and you’re dying for a cuppa. Her eyes open a little. By the time you’re at the door she’s whimpering and, before you even get the kettle on, she’s crying.

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Before I was a Mom


Before I was a Mom I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn’t worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom – I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.

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A-Z of Relationships


A = Affection. B = Babysitter – have one for an evening so you can have a romantic evening uninterrupted with your partner. C = Concentrate on each other; = Communicate; = Connect; = Candles together in the tub

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Mothering, Mindfulness and a Baby’s Bottom: An Introduction to Elimination Communication


Elimination Communication (EC)- also known as Infant Potty Training (IPT), Elimination Timing (ET) and Natural Infant Hygiene- is how most babies are brought up around the world. This ‘method’, which is so obvious in most cultures that it needs no name, involves the mother and baby becoming attuned and communicative so that the mother (and/or other caregivers) know when the baby needs to eliminate- pee or poo.

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A Baby’s Hug


We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Erik in a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly seated and talking. Suddenly, Erik squealed with glee and said, "Hi there." He pounded his fat baby hands on the high chair tray. His eyes were crinkled in laughter and his mouth was bared in a toothless grin as he wriggled and giggled with merriment.

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Fun Faces: Helping Your Baby's Emotional Development


Dr. Amanda Gummer, a research psychologist who specializes in child development, provides informational on babies and the importance of facial recognition, as well as ideas to use this as a way to play and interact.

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