Whatcha doing today? Let's have some fun!

Fun for the Entire Family!

It's week four of social distancing and non-essential lockdown here, and we're starting to adjust to this new normal. How are things going at your house? 

We've been getting creative about trying new things around here - we made our own sourdough starter over the past week and a half, and last night we had our first batch of sourdough bread (spoiler alert: it was delicious!). What new things have you been trying?

Toddlers & Preschoolers:

  • Looking for new ideas? Check out these 75 At-Home Activities for Toddlers (they're great for preschoolers, too!)!
  • Use recycled toilet paper rolls to make these cute bunny stamps! 

Elementary Kids:

Tweens & Teens:


Don't forget about yourself in the middle of all this chaos! Self-care is more important than ever right now, even though quiet moments can be hard to come by. Here are a few simple ways to practice self-care this week: 

  • Read a book! I'm participating in The Book Girls Guide's read-through-the-decades challenge, and it's been a nice departure from my usual to-read list! Join their Facebook group for chats and book discussions.
  • Take a bath - light a candle, pretend you're at a luxury spa, and soothe your soul! You can even add a Relaxing Bedtime Bath Bomb
  • Get outside and take a walk! If the weather won't cooperate, get your body moving indoors with some gentle yoga stretches and poses

XOXO, Heidi


Missed any of the emails in this series of 30 Days of Family Sanity Savers? (Today is Day 21!) Click the button below to catch up on even more family fun and helpful ideas!

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Happiness is Homemade

Sacramento, CA
United States