2024 was a productive, joyous year for our church and the Missions Committee. This group of caring people from our congregation spent much time deciding who best should receive our financial assistance. They also made the decisions on which partners would get extra help from the church and how that help would look. The Missions Committee had a formal meeting 8 times during the year, but the individual committee members spent many hours on a regular basis with the nonprofit to which they were the liaison. We also began supporting 3 new global mission partners in 2024. It was a good year!
Here are a few highlights that occurred with your Missions Committee in 2024:
**CAAC received tons of food collected in the BIG GIVE (TWICE).
**Habitat for Humanity workday in Clover.
**The Blessing Box outside our church was filled with food throughout the year.
**Kairos Prison Ministry collected COOKIES and spent time in Kershaw Prison spreading the Love of Christ to the inmates (TWICE).
**Tender Hearts Girls Home workdays (TWICE).
**48 families received Thanksgiving dinners.
**92 children received Angel Tree Christmas presents.
**1st Baptist Church of Swannanoa received (almost) 3 van loads of new clothing, toys and gift cards for the Hurricane Helene victims in the NC mountains.
PLUS we provided quarterly financial assistance to:
Biblical Studies Release Time $2,000
Clover Area Assistance Center (CAAC) $9,000
Camp Centurion $8,000
Door of Hope $2,500
GoLove Peru $5,000
Good Samaritan Fund $2,000
Habitat for Humanity $5,000
Johnson Family $5,000
Kairos Prison Ministry $3,500
Palmetto Women’s Center $3,000
PATH $8,000
Renner Family $7,000
Salvation Army (Center of Hope) $2,000
Scouts (Boy & Cub) $1,000
Stellie J. Jackson Enrichment Center $1,000
Tender Hearts Girls Home $7,000
True Word of God Church $8,000
You Can Discover Change (YCDC) $3,300
York County Young Life $1,000
PLUS we provided non regular financial assistance to:
Blessing Box $1,594
Hurricane Helene Relief (Samaritan’s Purse) $1,646
Restore Ukraine $2,500
SPICE $ 398
Swannanoa Gift Cards $3,000
Thanksgiving Dinners $1,784
Young Life Special Event Table $1,000
Thank you, church for being the loving, caring congregation that you are! You continued the history of this body of believers to share our blessings with those who have needs with which we can help.
May God continue to bless you…and continue to bless this church!