Our term break for the first term of the school year is already behind us. And there are many things ahead of us as we head into the holiday season.
Lisa and I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with some of our American friends, even though it is not a holiday here in Scotland.
Meanwhile our students are moving forward through the curriculum. We are working with our second year students on their preparations for their mission trips. As I mentioned above, we will have a team heading out to Finland. Our other team will be heading up to the North of Scotland and the Western Isles.
The last Saturday I was teaching our first year students about the promises of God in my Rejecting Mammon course. In the middle of the lesson on of the students got a sudden, surprised look on her face. I asked if everything was OK and she said, “the penny just dropped!”
I actually saw the moment she received revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit about what He was teaching through me!
Lives are being impacted for the Kingdom of God through our work with NewCREEations!