Thank You for Celebrating Naomi Feil's Legacy!
We are deeply grateful for all of the generous donations we received during this year's Annual Fall Fundraiser. With your support we will be able to create new Validation training programs, improve our website and make our education resources available in more languages.
Our GoFundMe fundraising page will remain open until the end of this month. If you haven't had a chance to watch the video clips of wisdom from Naomi Feil that we shared during every day of our campaign, you can find them on our YouTube page here.
20 Years of Being an Authorized Validation Organization
The Authorized Validation center, Deakonissen Speyer in Germany celebrated its 20th birthday on November 12, 2021. Among the birthday guests was Vicki de Klerk-Rubin, Executive Director of the Validation Training Institute, who paid tribute to the many years of spreading Validation in the Authorized Validation Organization (AVO) region and beyond. The highlight of the evening was a pre-recored interview with Naomi Feil who gave a very impressive account of her life's work.
This celebration took place in the ballroom of the Deakonissen Motherhouse in Speyer. Since only 40 guests were allowed to gather on site due to the coronavirus, separate celebrations were organized in senior centers. Read a blog post about this celebration here and download this article in German here.
VTI Publishes Blog with Age-u-cate Training Institute
This week the Validation Training Institute (VTI) partnered with the Age-u-cate Training Institute to publish a blog about the connections between Compassionate Touch and the Validation method. Those of you familiar with Compassionate Touch will immediately see the shared values and similarities with Validation. These two non-pharmaceutical methods aim to make life better for older adults, especially those living with dementia. Read the full blog post here.
Memory Care Validation Course Begins in January
We have partnered with the National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (NCCAP) to offer Validation Memory Care Certification for life enrichment and activity professionals across all care settings! Register today and join us starting January 25th - this interactive course is delivered over 11 weeks and includes live webinars, course work and practice with certified NCCAP and Validation instructors. Learn more here.
First Online Validation International Conference
On Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 starting at 12pm EST, the Validation Training Institute will host its first-ever online, international conference in partnership with Linked Senior and the #ActivitiesStrong Initiative! This free event will be a celebration of the 40 years of training provided by VTI and a way to define the future of the Validation method. Full agenda with speakers will be announced soon! Click here to reserve your spot at this first annual world congress event.
Classic Validation Films Available for Streaming
The Validation Training Institute continues its modernization and customization by making our classic Validation films easily accessible by making them available for streaming! The following films are now available: