S-bend corsets were invented in the early 1900s (during the Edwardian era) and popularized by Gibson Girls.
At the time, the S-bend was thought to be healthier for the wearer as it placed less direct pressure on the front of the abdomen, and encouraged a “proud” posture where the shoulders and bust were thrust forward, and the bum was pushed back.
However, this corset style was later found to exacerbate lumbar lordosis (swayback) and thought to be worse for the spine when worn long-term.
I advise that S-bend corsets be used only when intended to be worn short-term or required for proper foundation under period clothing, but for any cosplayers, re-enactors, or history-bounders who find themselves in need of this unique turn-of-the-century style, this gallery is here for you.
Pictured here is a gorgeous soft peach, lace-trimmed S-bend mid-bust by Vozisova Corsets (Russia).