June, the halfway point in the year, with hopefully long sunny and warm cycling days ahead of us. This month's newsletter contains a review of our road race weekend, forthcoming action on both the men's and women's tours at Burton Dassett, a brief account of our record breaking TT, plus all the usual sections on club activities this month.
Please send any comments, ideas or proposals regarding the contents of the newsletter to the Press Officer. Copies of all previous newsletters can be found on the club website - About BSCC
The end of May passed not just with the end of May but also another successful running of our annual road race.
My thanks go to Mike Gillett who took on so much of the organisation of the 2019 event and also to everyone who played their part either on the day or beforehand. We really couldn't lay on what is one of the best races in the calendar without your help. I know it's hard work but the positive feedback we get not just from the riders who've slogged their way up Edge Hill three times, but also the British Cycling Commissaires and also the escort motorbike riders makes it worth the effort.
A full race report can be found below.
Club ride numbers are now picking up again as summer finally kicks in. We've got a great set of ride leaders who are there week in, week out to put on five weekend rides. The recent club ride survey highlighted where further improvements can be made, one of the biggest would be to have more ride leaders - a lot of respondents said they would be interested so if you were one of these please get in touch with either myself or John Tustian.
Last month's newsletter featured an article on Laurie Allitt who recently passed away.
His funeral was held at the beginning of May and at the family's request the club provided a cycling escort from Banbury up to the Crematorium. Cycling played a huge part of Laurie's life and we were very honoured to help play our part on his final journey.
A warm welcome to our newest members who joined during May, Richard Betteridge, Trevor Priest, Don Hawkins and Dan Reynolds, plus those who shall remain unamed who finally got around to renewing for 2019 :)
Subscriptions and any other payments to the club should now be paid direct to our new Nat West account.
Sort code = 53-61-33
Account = 65953886
Having now moved entirely to online banking no more cheques will be accepted for membership or payment for club services.
Please note: The online Membership Form must be completed for all existing members when renewing membership. The joys of GDPR compliance!
Burton Dassett finish for Women's Tour
The 2019 OVO Women's Tour returns to our region on Thursday 13th June with the finish taking place at the top of Burton Dassett which will actually be climbed not just once, not twice but three times as the riders will pass through the finish area to then do two laps of a loop via Farnborough, back down to the Warwick Road for a couple of miles and then climb up again.
This will no doubt be a very popular stage for viewing because of the chance to see the riders up close three times and Banbury Star plan on having a strong presence with a ride out from Banbury late morning to get a good spot in readiness for the ascents at 1355, 1413 and 1430 (all approx, depends on race speed).
If all goes to plan, this will also be the first outing of the club's branded gazebo to act as a focal point and advertise the club.
Afterwards, we will ride back to Banbury and call in to the Falcon for refreshments.
And then on 13th September it's the men's turn to finish at Burton Dassett
Full details of the men's edition of the OVO Tour of Britain (7th - 14th September) have just been announced and like the women they'll also be finishing at the top of Burton Dassett on Stage 7. The date for your diaries is Friday 13th September and this time they do 3 laps of the final loop.
More details on club involvement will be announced nearer the time.
Plans are being made for a summer BBQ, more details coming next month.
The key to happy riding is a happy bike which is why our club rides always start with a check of the key parts and it's essential that we can all do some maintenance to keep everything working.
Mike Gillett will be running a free session to give those who are unsure about what to do or what tools are needed for basic maintenance this coming Sunday, 2nd June. He will cover things like changing tyres and tubes, gear and brake adjustment etc.
It will be held in the community room in the Waitrose store, Banbury from 2pm to 4pm.
2019 Time Trial season and calendar
Club Wednesday night TT records were broken last month when not only did we achieve a maximum 60 rider entry, but our favourite K4/20 course record was well and truly smashed. Dan Bigham and 20 year old Charlie Quarterman went head to head and then amazingly tied on time, taking 39 seconds off Dan's previous record, leaving it at 24.42. That's averaging 30.19mph or 48.58kph. They both love the course and hope to return.
In store this month we have two TTs for which two of the club's oldest trophies are awarded. On 5th June it's the Manners Cup, our handicap event, where everyone gets a fighting chance to win. Then on 19th June we have the Edmunds Cup held over our longest 30 mile distance. Please note this event has a 6.30pm start time.
Please check the marshals rota list below to see whether it's your turn as it's particularly important that with the two longer events we have a full team of marshals. Please contact Oli Wright via the link below if you need to make a change.
Gerard Henry (University of Warwick) and Leah Dixon (Brother UK -Tifosi) took the honours in this year's annual road races. In the men's race Jacques Coates (Cycle Team Onform) took maximum points on all three climbs of Edgehill to win the KOM prize, while Kate Wootton (Cycle Team OnForm Junior) took the more closely fought QOM prize. Tobias Wiesand was the first Star member home in 11th, while an excellent 13th place rewarded Tobi Ng with the club's U23 prize. However, perhaps the unluckiest rider of the day was junior Jacob Hardy who was always in contention up front until he crashed descending into Horley on the last lap within a kilometre of the finish. A full report can be found via the link below.
The club would like to thank all its sponsors for their help and support - The White Horse, Banbury, Castle at Edgehill, Banbury Bike Box Hire, Cyclogical at Deddington and Forge Coffee Shop, Culworth.
Also everyone, including our friends at Team Cherwell, who turned out to help us marshal the course. Plus - the cake makers and providers, the kitchen helpers, the sign erection team, the sign on team, the number and trophy provider, the course car drivers, the finish line team, the KOM/QOM recorders, the grass cutter, the spray painter and the leaflet droppers. Not forgetting Stephen Rooney, who again took time out to collect and return all the signage and equipment from British Cycling's central store. Finally Mike Gillett who took over the organisation this year for what proved another great event.
May saw another club member, young Tobi Ng, gain his Cat 3 race licence. Following his second place at the beginning of the month at the Thursday night MK Bowl races, he went one better three weeks later with a great win. Three days later he went on to finish 13th in our road race and claim the club's U23 prize. Well done Tobi.
As mentioned before the MK Bowl races present a great opportunity to race on a off road circuit that is pretty flat and a good starting point for first timers.
As well as Tobi's success in our road race, we should not forget the other seven club riders (all pictured above with Mark Boyles) who entered this tough event - Simon Bull, Michal Wisowski, Liam Fishwick, Stuart Quick, Luke Sherlock, Will Stowell and top finisher Tobias Wiesand, Everyone finished and again it was good to see a healthy number of riders in our own event.
There are a lot of local open events coming up in June and July, which can be found by clicking on the link in the Racing Calendar section below.
As usual, keep an eye out on Facebook for the latest news on Monday night Chain Gangs.
Don't forget this section now lists the dates of time trials, crits and road races throughout our region for the months ahead. This gives members more information on each event, with a further link on how and where to enter.
Follow the links below to see what we've got planned so far, plus all the CTT Open events.
Rising Stars - youth section news
As we mentioned last month, juniors are now allowed to race at Weston-on-the-Green again. Races take place on Tuesday evenings with sign on from 6pm, so get there early. Already taking part are the above three Rising Stars, Isabella Boyles, Peggy Simpkins and Corrie Dale. The 10 mile TTs are a great way to start on a safe closed road circuit. If younger children need some support or encouragement, they can be chaperoned by parents riding behind.
We have two Rising Stars sessions planned for June on 15th and 29th at our usual Banbury Rugby Club venue starting at 9.30am. As usual, keep your eyes on Facebook for any updates.
If you have any queries regarding Rising Stars, or would like to consider becoming a much needed coach, then please contact Lee via the link below.
Family cycling on Silverstone F1 circuit
Don't forget that although the 9Up TT at Silverstone has been cancelled this year, the track will still be open to the public again for family cycling on the following dates: 31st July, 14th August, 17th September and 9th October.
This is a great opportunity to cycle around the wide smooth and traffic free 5.89km Grand Prix circuit. Booking is required via the link below. It's £10 per person with children free.
The latest club order arrived on 21st May and although Dave Speck announced this on Facebook a number of items are still awaiting collection. Please therefore make contact with Dave via the link below to arrange collection of these remaining items.
Below is a list of club jerseys which the club have purchased and Dave currently holds in stock:
3 x Short sleeve jerseys - Medium 3 x Short sleeve jerseys - Large 1 x Long Sleeve jersey - Large
Don't forget, if at anytime we have 5 orders for any one garment, regardless of size, or men's or women's fit, then an order can be opened and placed with Enduro.
Five weekend club rides are now available, please make sure you pick the one to suit your ability and speed.
Have a look at the club's website and Facebook group for details of the rides, all of which have downloadable Garmin maps:
10am Saturday: easy café ride: 25 miles, 12-14mph
10am Saturday: intermediate café ride 35 miles, 15-16mph
9am Sunday: fast non-café ride 50 miles 18mph*
9am Sunday: intermediate non-café ride 50 miles 16-17mph*
10am Sunday: intermediate café ride 35 miles 15-16mph
All rides will start at Broadribb Cycles, meeting 15 minutes before the departure time.
* may be quicker depending on who is riding
Banbury Star CC monthly social evenings
Our next club social night is on Thursday 6th June from 7.30pm, at our usual friendly venue, The White Horse in Banbury, sponsors of our men's road race.
As always, family and friends are welcome and food will be available.
Social night - White Horse 7.30pm Thursday 6th June
Manners Cup (Handicap TT) 5th June and Edmunds Cup TT 19th June - please note this particular event starts at 6.30pm.
OVO Women's Tour finish at Burton Dassett from around 1.30pm Thursday 13th June
Rising Stars next sessions - Saturday 15th and 29th June at 9.30am
Chain-Gang sessions for men and women every Monday from 6.30pm - see Facebook for any updates.
For more details and other events please look at the calendars on the club’s website or Facebook group.
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