And now it's time to fix it, fix it ALL!
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The Museletter

Dear Leader,

I’m going straight in today with an important message.

Now is the time to show up.

Like REALLY show up.

If you’ve been hiding in the shadows and you’re unsure of what to say and do... you’re failing as a leader.

Oh that hurts, right?


This is a test.

You thought COVID was difficult... oh we’ve got a revolution on our hands right now.

I could write about the endless Tweets I’ve read, the heartbreaking videos I’ve watched and the hard conversations I’ve had this week.

Oh poor me.

No, this is not about me.

This is about something I will never be able to fully understand.

I have empathy for BIPOC (is that right? I’m questioning everything right now). It sounds so lame as I write that, forgive me.

(There is an argument to be only highlighting black people right now and I stand by that with my full power. I also want you to think about the bigger implications too. Racism is a bias, ok? Black communities are teaching us about that right now.)

I’m a women and I’ve been scared on a dark street because of my gender.

But when the lights are on and I’m walking through a crowded street, I’ll be mostly ok.

I’m a privileged white woman in a western country.

That is NEVER going to be the case for BIPOC.

I was completely blind to this. It was a concept. Something abstract.

I can hold my hands up and say “I have no idea but I’m willing to find out.”

That is one of the greatest lessons we will learn as a leader. We don’t know everything. We MUST be willing to look stupid, apologise, ask questions and do the work.

We will never fully understand and be able to embody the generations of hurt the BIPOC have experienced. Their stories, their pain, their grief.

This is not about you.

Leadership is NEVER about you.

It is ALWAYS about others.

Yes, have a vision and mission that you want to manifest but please, that will only manifest when you have OTHER PEOPLE who want the same as you.

This is why I’m asking for you to want the same as BIPOC. For racism; deep nasty, killer, disadvantaged racism to STOP, NOW, TODAY.

If you have a voice, use it.

If you have a brain, get educated.

If you have privilege, use it.

If you have money, donate it.

The work is never done.

Please keep your head up, your voice strong and your mission on your mind. The world needs leaders like you.

Lastly, if this has struck a chord with you and you're triggered but don't know where to start then that's a GOOD sign.

I applaud anyone who is willing to learn.

Start with The 13th on Netflix. Watch it and get uncomfortable. That uncomfortableness is a signal to understand yourself more.

Finally, be gentle to yourself and others. It sounds lame but the energy right now is zapping me (oh poor me again) but if you are tired, REST. We can only be strong if we serve from a full cup. 

Big love and so much care and compassion for you.

Queenie xx 

Carolynne •Queenie• Alexander

💕High-Performance Leadership Coach
🔮Creator of The Intuition Deck
👑#ReignMaker at Quantum Leaders

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