Past DER Weekly Newsletters |
Weekly In Progress Report |
Welcome! Proposal Development Basic |
Each fall we look forward to new faculty joining the College of Engineering. We know new faculty possess a varying range of career history, proposal development experience, and project management practice. Whether you are new or returning EGR faculty, please remember that DER is here to help you navigate the proposal development process and promote your success throughout the lifespan of your future sponsored projects. Join us for a brief exploration of proposal development basics and the lifecycle.
In DER we have an array of tools, resources, and services to help you throughout the process. One key support provided by DER is that we are your direct link to other MSU offices including MSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). By facilitating services between MSU resources, DER helps ensure you have the best information and support to promote your research success.
Understanding key phases/benchmarks that will occur throughout the lifespan of your funded projects is the first step in developing your strongest proposals. Another important basic tool is the MSU Roles & Responsibilities for PIs and others related to your funded project.
OSP has developed an incredible website that informs MSU faculty of internal and external policies/processes which directly and indirectly impact perspective opportunities. As described by OSP, “Preparation of any contract or grant proposal can be a challenging undertaking and usually involves several individuals working closely together to meet the proposal deadlines.” You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the proposal process to help you develop a strong proposal for submission. Becoming aware of these steps (phases), processes, and responsibilities throughout the proposal process, will help you prevent dangers that could impact your proposal during Proposal Development, Submission, and Beyond.
OSP provides great resources (available at links below) to help faculty during each phase of Proposal Development & Submission:
Additional resources/descriptions are available for understanding the “Roles & Responsibilities” associated with your proposed and funded proposals (Roles & Responsibilities) throughout its life cycle. Each of the links below describe the life cycle roles and responsibilities of MSU individuals involved in sponsored programs that run through SPA/OSP/CGA.
Understanding the steps/phases, as well as the individuals involved from the beginning through the end of your project’s lifespan, will give you the strongest foundation for success. Watch this space in coming weeks as we discuss the individual phases in greater detail.
Remember, DER is here to help. If you have specific questions related to your upcoming proposal development, submission, and perspective awards, please send an email to proposals@egr.msu.edu. We welcome all new EGR faculty to stop by our office (EB 2527) and introduce yourself. Our team is here to meet with you. Feel free to schedule a visit or to stop in.
Article by: Robert Nelsen, DER Research Administrator
Spotlight Opportunities & Information |
MSU researchers using solar and wind power more efficiently |
Seeking an electric grid that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels
Researchers from Michigan State University are making progress using
solar and wind power more efficiently, even when the sun isn’t shining
or the wind blowing.
Power sources like solar and wind are intermittent forms of energy
generation. Because of this, transitioning completely away from fossil
fuels will require a way to store energy that complements intermittent
power sources.
The focus is on redox flow batteries, said David P. Hickey, an assistant professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.
“Redox flow batteries can store energy on a much larger scale than
conventional lithium ion batteries, because they don’t require precious
metals. They are a type of liquid battery that uses special chemicals
called redox-active organic molecules.
"These molecules are excellent at holding an electric charge,” Hickey explained... Learn more Here.
What’s hot in science? Check out NSF research news through August 9, 2023 |
Keep up with today’s research news from the U.S. National Science Foundation. This is a daily look at noteworthy scientific findings from researchers around the country.
EGLE - Scrap Tire Grants available for 2024
Description: The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is pleased to announce the availability of grants that promote and support the cleanup and reuse of scrap tires in Michigan.
Scrap tires pose a fire risk and a human health risk as mosquito breeding grounds. Through grants, scrap tires can be processed and used in paving products for roads, manufactured products, and energy production.
The Scrap Tire Cleanup Grant is available for property owners to clean up old or abandoned scrap tire piles. EGLE will give priority to collection sites where tires were accumulated prior to Jan. 1, 1991, as well as collection sites that pose an imminent threat to public health, safety, welfare, or the environment. Local units of government and nonprofit organizations are also eligible for funding for cleanup days and roadside cleanup grants.
Scrap Tire Market Development Grants are available to fund up to 50% of total eligible costs for projects that demonstrate new or increased uses of scrap tires in manufactured products or paving projects. EGLE will prioritize proposals based on the amount of scrap tire material being used in developing the project or product, demonstration of a new use of scrap tire material, and demonstration of a viable market for a proposed product.
Apply: To apply for a grant, visit the Scrap Tire Website and select the appropriate link under “Grant Information,” or contact us at EGLE-ScrapTire@Michigan.gov.
Deadline: EGLE will accept Scrap Tire Cleanup and Market Development Grant Applications with all supporting documentation received on or before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Friday, Sept. 29, 2023.
Contact information: Jeff Johnston, EGLE Public Information Officer, JohnstonJ14@Michigan.gov, 517-231-9304
... Learn more Here.
Halo - Current Opportunities
Deadline September 30:
Eli Lilly - Target identification and delivery mechanisms for neuroinflammation and neuropsychiatric disorders - Eli Lilly is seeking targets and delivery mechanisms for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders with associated neuroinflammation (particularly Multiple sclerosis).
PepsiCo - Recycling technologies for biodegradable films - PepsiCo is seeking solutions to convert bio-based packaging back to starting materials or other high-value added chemicals (no fuels).
Deadline August 31:
PepsiCo - Acid and heat stable sweet proteins for beverage application
- PepsiCo is seeking high intensity sweet proteins that are stable to low pH environment and to thermal treatments in ready-to-drink, shelf stable beverage applications.
Takeda -
Corteva - Novel solutions to enable intercropping practices for agricultural intensification - Corteva is seeking novel methods to enable inter-seeding within a scalable intercropping system involving corn, soybean, canola, or sorghum.
Private Company - Live virus-based feline core vaccine research and development in China - The company is seeking live viral vaccine technologies for feline core vaccine development with a main goal of developing orally viable vaccines.
About Halo: Halo helps scientific innovators meet new partners, get funded, and advance their research. Learn more at halo.science.
View All Opportunities
Proposals take about 30-45 minutes to complete and are less than 500 words. See proposal questions.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) - 2023 Transportation Research RFP
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) transportation research programs. Funded projects are anticipated to begin by approximately July 1, 2024. Visit the MnDOT Research & Innovation website and see information below for RFP details.
2023 MnDOT-LRRB Transportation Research RFP
The 2023 RFP includes 25 need statements in the following categories: environmental, materials and construction, multimodal, traffic and safety, policy and planning, and maintenance and operations. The 2023 RFP also include an architectural research need (NS-706) on sustainable energy building upgrades to Minnesota rest areas and travel information centers. Of the 25 need statements included in the RFP, 19 were generated by MnDOT’s Research Steering Committee and 6 were generated by the LRRB, which represents Minnesota cities and counties.
Please note this specific information on the MnDOT R&I website:
As your university’s research master agreement contact, please submit any proposals for your institution, along with the attached summary spreadsheet of proposals with all proposal submittals identified, to research.dot@state.mn.us. Proposals are due no later than 4:30 p.m. Central Daylight Time Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
Incomplete proposals will not be evaluated and proposal content beyond the 14-page limit will not be reviewed (see instructions). Also, please inform the PIs not to submit proposals directly to MnDOT. All proposals need to be submitted through the university master agreement contact.
For your convenience, links to the project proposal form and instructions are included below.
MnDOT’s Office of Research and Innovation administers the RFP and staff can help guide you through the process. Proposers may also contact the Project Champion or Project Advisor for need statement clarification. Additional information regarding need statements shall be provided at the discretion of the Project Champion.
Thank you for your interest in our 2023 Transportation Research RFP. We look forward to working with you as this process progresses. If you have any questions, please contact our staff at research.dot@state.mn.us.
MnDOT Office of Research & Innovation Katie Walker, Director 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mail Stop #330, St. Paul, MN 55155 mndot.gov/research
American Heart Association - 2024 Established Investigator Award
Grant Amount: $400K
Deadline: LOI due October 5, 2023 – 3:00 p.m. CT
Link to Opportunity
Additional Information: The purpose of this award is to support established investigators who are in a rapid growth phase of their career, have established records of accomplishments and continue to show extraordinary promise. The investigator’s career is expected to clearly benefit from the EIA award. Candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular science disciplines that support the AHA’s mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives, as indicated by funding and publication history and scientific accomplishments. Candidates should propose an innovative\novel research direction that challenges existing paradigms and employs novel concepts, approaches, or technologies.
At the time of application, PI must have:
- MD, PhD, DO, DVM, or equivalent doctoral degree
- Full-time faculty/staff scientist position or equivalent.
NOTE: At the time of award activation must have an appointment at the associate professor level or equivalent (including, but not limited to, research associate professor, research scientist, staff scientist, etc.) and be no more than 15 years since first faculty appointment.
- History and current evidence of substantial extramural funding
For more information, please contact Melissa Anderson ande2476@msu.edu. If you are interested in learning about additional foundation funding opportunities, please visit the MSU Foundation Relations website.
... Learn more Here.
The Kavli Foundation – Kavli Prize
Grant Amount: $1M
Deadline: Nominations due October 1, 2023
Link to Opportunity
Additional Information: You are invited to nominate scientists whose basic research has fundamentally transformed the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience – the big, the small, and the complex. The prize consists of $1M awards in each of the three fields.
- Astrophysics - The prize is awarded for outstanding achievement in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the origin, evolution and properties of the universe, including the fields of cosmology, astrophysics, astronomy, planetary science, solar physics, space science, astrobiology, astronomical and astrophysical instrumentation, and particle astrophysics.
- Nanoscience - The prize is awarded for outstanding achievement in the science and application of the unique physical, chemical and biological properties of atomic, molecular, macromolecular, and cellular structures and systems that are manifest in the nanometer scale, including molecular self-assembly, nanomaterials, nanoscale instrumentation, nanobiotechnology, macromolecular synthesis, molecular mechanics and related topics.
- Neuroscience - The prize is awarded for outstanding achievement in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the brain and nervous system, including molecular neuroscience, cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, neurogenetics, developmental neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and related facets of the brain and nervous system.
For more information, please contact Melissa Anderson ande2476@msu.edu. If you are interested in learning about additional foundation funding opportunities, please visit the MSU Foundation Relations website.
... Learn more Here.
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research - Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders
Grant Amount: $180k over two years
Deadline: Pre-Proposals due December 7, 2023
Category: Medical & Health Sciences; Neuroscience.
Link to Opportunity
Additional Information:
- The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF), in collaboration with
longtime partner the Edmond J. Safra Foundation, launched the Edmond J.
Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders. The program annually funds eight
academic centers to each train a new movement disorder
clinician-researcher over a two-year period and is growing an
international, collaborative network of next-generation leaders in
Parkinson’s research and care.
- The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship
in Movement Disorders is open to established movement disorder centers
worldwide and seeks to support the training of promising MD or MD/PhD
fellowship applicants. MJFF will award eight two-year fellowships of
$180,000 each. These funds may cover the fellow’s stipend, benefits and
travel allowance as well as coursework, conferences, and other relevant
educational and training opportunities. No indirect costs may be claimed
for this award. MJFF awards funding directly to qualified centers which
then identify the most competitive fellowship candidates. Centers must
then nominate their prospective fellow, with submission of the fellow’s
CV and a letter of recommendation, for final review by MJFF.
- Applications from movement disorder centers will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Previous experience training fellows for productive research and clinical care careers
- Research environment and research training program
- Clinical care center and clinical learning opportunities
- Departmental support for the fellow
- Leadership
in building an equitable and diverse environment for clinical care,
research and education through training opportunities and scholarly
pursuit for the fellow
- Biographical sketches of five faculty members, including the fellowship director, who will be active in the training program
For more information, please contact Larry Wallach at wallach@msu.edu.
If you are interested in learning about additional foundation funding
opportunities, please visit the MSU Foundation Relations website.
... Learn more Here.
DOE - Carbon Negative Shot Pilots Synopsis 1
Description: In this notice of intent (NOI), the United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) outlines its intent to publish a series of Carbon Negative Shot (CNS)-aligned funding opportunities focused on supporting the advancement and maturation of a suite of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. This CNS NOI outlines multiple program interests that aim to support the development and commercialization of CDR technologies and collectively enable the Department’s CNS target of gigaton-scale deployment for less than $100 per net metric ton of CO2-equivalent within the decade.
- DE-FOA-0003082 – Carbon Negative Shot Pilots (expected release date of early FY24)
- Includes four (4) anticipated Areas of Interest (AOIs) related to:
- Small Biomass Pilots,
- Small Mineralization Pilots,
- Small Marine CDR Pilots, and
- Multi-Pathway CDR Testbeds.
- Current Closing Date for Applications: Oct 12, 2023 - This is a Notice of Intent to issue Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0003082. Applications will not be accepted for the Notice of Intent.
Other intended funding opportunities and prize tracks include:
- Direct Air Capture (DAC) Pilot Prize (expected release date late FY23)
- CDR Purchase Prize (expected release date late FY23)
- Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs (expected release of additional FOAs in FY24/25 and beyond)
- Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for CDR (expected release date FY24)
- DE-FOA-0002614 – Carbon Management: CDR Technology Research and Development (expected release date FY24)
Now Accepting Applications for 2023-2024! - Graduate Certification in Community Engagement
Applications due: September 8, 2023 - Apply here
Want to learn more?
- Grad Resource Fair (in person): August 26, 2023, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | MSU Union Ballroom
- Information Session (remote): August 31, 2023, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. | Zoom
Description: Spread the word to your graduate
students! The Graduate Certification in Community Engagement is a
professional development program open to graduate and professional
students in all 17 MSU colleges. Through workshops, a community project,
and a portfolio, this flexible, no-cost program helps students learn
new mindsets and skills for their community-engaged research, creative
activities, teaching/learning, service, and practice activities. This
program is for students who like to make a difference through their
scholarship, enjoy working with community partners on projects, and like
learning with interdisciplinary peers.
This year, workshops will be offered via zoom on Friday afternoons, with an asynchronous version available.
This resource will help increase professional development (open to
graduate and professional students) and open doors for increased Broader
... Learn more Here.
Federal, State, and Foundation Funding
Resources for finding Federal, State and Foundation funding opportunities.
... Learn more Here.
DER's Week (at-a-glance) as of 8/17/2023
In Progress
Open tickets
Just-in-Time activities
Research proposals in progress*
Fee For Service proposals
Gift proposals
% Change from last week
- As you can see above from DER’s Week (at-a-glance)
table, we’re already seeing an increase in activity. An incredible 10% growth in activity this past week, even after an 11% increase the previous week!
Description: DER has a catalog of research and funding seminars available on demand. Seminar topics range from critical instruction for new faculty through advanced training for senior research faculty. These presentations include instruction from experts regarding themes that include best practices in research, MSU policy, sponsor compliance, industry specific seminars, and more. Check them out today and utilize this incredible resource to help streamline your proposal development and promote success in your research. Watch now on demand!!!
Recent seminar presentations include:
- DER is Here to Help (proposal & proposal development resources geared to promote success)
- Tips for Writing a Persuasive Grant Proposal (grant writing to ‘sell’ a project to funders)
- Finding Funding (tips for finding funding to support your research)
- Roles and Responsibilities (tips for understanding roles and responsibilities at each stage of the project)
- CAREER Award Workshop - Session 1 (best practices and strategies for producing successful NSF Career proposals)
- And many more…
Internal Funding Notifications & News |
Does effort reporting for your grants and contracts seem more cumbersome than it should be? CGA has compiled a very
helpful list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Topics range from reporting deadlines, to resolving errors, and everything in between!
As you peruse this list, you might notice that there is a dedicated email address for any questions or issues you may have when submitting effort reporting. Please use effortreporting@cga.msu.edu to expedite service.
External Sponsor Notifications & News |
Ongoing Updates and Posts |
NAMC Opportunities |
Ongoing Updates and Posts |
Press Releases and Funding Opportunities |
U.S. Department of Defense |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
National Institutes of Health |
National Science Foundation |
Office of Naval Research |
Research in Germany - Land of Ideas |
U.S. Department of Energy |
United States Department of Agriculture |