Calls for the 2023 meetings of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) and the European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP) |
The Sixteenth Meeting of the IAMC will be held on November 14-16, 2023, at the Hilton Molino Stucky, Venice, Italy. Its purpose is to present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modelling, review the status of ongoing community activities, facilitate interaction with collaborating communities, and evaluate and revisit the priorities of the integrated assessment community. For more information, please see here.
Similarly, the annual ECEMP conference will be held online on October 5-6, 2023, bringing together Europe’s climate and energy modelling community over a two-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions. The event will feature a balanced mix of high-level panel discussions and interactive workshop sessions to enable a peer-reviewed digest of models and policy insights for the transformation of the European energy system. This year’s event will focus on net zero, intermediate targets, and sectoral decarbonisation in the light of geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges. You may read more here.
Both events are open for submissions with a deadline of June 30, 2023. You are warmly invited to submit your modelling work to the two events!
As a modelling research and innovation project that prioritises community building and seeks to create its own or enhance existing communities of practice, DIAMOND actively supports both events.
After our first such meeting on the OMNIA model in Turin, back in March, we held a two-day meeting on the ICCS-NTUA premises, on April 24-25, to kick off discussions on the development of the CLEWs-EU model, one of the six core IAMs that DIAMOND will update and expand.
In particular, the project aims to develop two versions of the CLEWs-EU model. First, a low-complexity, simple in design model will represent the EU as a single node, tailored to the needs of capacity development activities and serving as an engagement tool with a broad range of stakeholders. Second, a disaggregated model on the member-state level will enable a deep dive into extensive, frontier-stretching analyses foreseen within DIAMOND.
During the meeting, we agreed that both versions of the model will feature significant expansions from the state-of-the-art CLEWs models. Technology representation will be enhanced to diversify the options that can render net-zero emission pathways technically feasible (e.g., hydrogen energy chains). From a sectoral perspective, a materials production module will be introduced, while the mobility sector will be split into short- and long-term distance travel, enabling the assessment of potential lifestyle changes and modal shifts (e.g., a shift from privately-owned vehicles to public transport for short-distance travel). Finally, a more detailed temporal resolution will be adopted including at least 12 time-steps, to account for variability in renewable energy availability.
You may read more here.
The first general assembly of the DIAMOND research and innovation action was successfully held in Bilbao, Spain, on the 16th and 17th of May 2023, as a hybrid event. The meeting was kindly hosted by our partners over at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).
The first day of the meeting featured reflection and discussions on the progress so far, allowing at the same time to extensively plan our next steps across all project components, with particular focus on stakeholder co-creation, model development and interlinkages, and early stages of scenario design.
On the second day, we narrowed our focus down onto next steps for developing the project’s six core integrated assessment models, before performing an extensive deep dive into model inter-linkages and integration aspects towards enhancing our technical capacity to study finance, labour, circularity performance, land use and land use change, climate change impacts, agent (and household) heterogeneity, representation of non-CO2 gases, and behavioural change. Critically, we also held a dedicated session on meeting with our Scientific Advisory Board members, who had the opportunity to be updated on the project scope and progress, introduce themselves, and provide early scientific and operational feedback.
You may read more here.
The development of the GCAM-Europe model, another of the six core IAMs of the DIAMOND project, officially kicked off on the 18th of May, in Bilbao, back to back with our first General Assembly (May 16-17).
As part of the DIAMOND project activities, GCAM-Europe will be developed as a regionally disaggregated version of the current state-of-the-art GCAM model, including a representation of each EU member state, as well as additional countries relevant to the broader European context. During the meeting, we agreed that the new model will feature significant improvements in the representation of key mitigation technologies, including hydropower and storage, as well as a higher resolution in terms of sectoral representation, most notably for the built environment, with the addition of multiple energy uses. Discussions on the representation of other sectors, including industry, transport, and agriculture, potential expansions, as well as the link with additional modules within DIAMOND also took place.
With the meeting taking place after the general assembly, partners not actively involved in the development of GCAM-Europe also had the opportunity to join the core model teams (BC3, ICCS, UMD), fueling discussions of interest to all model-related processes in the project (e.g., open science principles, development pipelines, etc.). Notably, Dr. Ryna Yiyun Cui (UMD) presented lessons learnt from the development of GCAM-USA for the consortium to follow and/or adapt while Dr. Stephanie Briers (ETH) also had the opportunity to coordinate an interactive session with participating modelling partners on stakeholder interactions, strengthening the link between model development and co-creation activities within the project.
You may read more here.
The DIAMOND project was acknowledged in two recent scientific publications.
- Perdana, S., & Vielle, M. (2023). Carbon border adjustment mechanism in the transition to net-zero emissions: collective implementation and distributional impacts. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, in press,
- Cassetti, G., Elia, A., Gargiulo, M., & Chiodi, A. (2023). Reinforcing the Paris Agreement: Ambitious scenarios for the decarbonisation of the Central Asian and Caspian region. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, 3, 100048,
You may find the full list of all papers published in the context of DIAMOND here.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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