For the first time ever, NomadMania is opening up its Conference to the whole community. This time, you can consider yourselves invited as long as you are our member, but do remember this is still a Conference and there is work to be done :-) 

NomadMania Conference #5 will be held in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan!

It will be held on May 25 - May 29, 2025 (until June 1 with an extra program). Check out the full itinerary and register.

Our general theme for the 5th NomadMania Conference will be Fixers.

The aim of the conference will be to uncover themes that pertain to Fixers globally, to look at them from the perspective of both the traveller and the Fixer, and to ultimately identify the best (and worst). Join us :-) 

This Week's Website & App Updates

We are constantly working to improve our website and app functionality.

  • We updated the main map view of the app (full details here);
  • We added new filter options for the main map; now you can see the regions / countries “visited in a year” or “visited by the year” just like in your profile page on the website – please remember that this is possible only if you use our Trips page to fill in your travel data
  • We’re introducing the DARE map to the app; 
  • Our new filter options also allow you to limit the series that will be displayed on the map – you can choose what type of series you want to see, and whether to show all, visited or not visited items.

Check out our latest app updates in full here!

Playing Tennis in Every Country

Visiting every country in the world is the ultimate goal of many people. However, there are many ‘theme travellers’ in our community: World Heritage Sites, food, islands… you name it.

Considering all the eyes in the world are now following the Olympics, let's share an unconventional sports & travel story.

NomadMania's managing partner, Orest Zub, plays tennis in nearly every country he visits. Read more about his story here!

Sports & Travel Poll Report

Our recent Sports and Travel poll ran for a relatively short period of time, but we still received 525 responses which paint a picture of the importance of sports within the idea of travel.

Here are some quick fun facts we learned:

  • 40% are generally very interested in sports, with a further 22% being interested. That makes for almost a third of the total respondents.
  • Despite the above general interest in sports, when it comes to travel, most do not make decisions based on sports.
  • In terms of which sports are most interesting to NomadManians, football/soccer was the clear winner with 294 responses, and tennis with a very distant second with 116.

Read the full report of our Sports & Travel Poll here!

New UN Masters

This week we have two new UN Masters! 

By the way, Maryam Abdullah from Kuwait is the first Middle-Eastern and Arab woman to visit every country that we know of.

She has also passed the rigorous NomadMania Verification following her visit to her 193rd country, Uruguay, in April. Maryam has been actively documenting her journey on her Instagram with over 54K fans.

Congratulations to our new UN Masters, bringing our total for 2024 to 26.

New DARE places

Today, we reach 1501 DARE places and the five new listings we add will be our last for the next few months. During this ‘break’, we will be meticulously studying the map to uncover more potential DAREs and of course we ask you to actively contribute by sharing your ideas for nominations!

We expect to start adding more DARE places before the end of the year, with the long-term aim of eventually reaching a total of 2001.

Without further ado, our final five DARE places for this season are:

PHOTO: It is said that the mountain village of Nanay has existed since the time of Alexander the Great; the residents of Nanay live as one cohesive team that are mainly engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, small-scale trading, beekeeping, and crafts.

Beekeeping is famous in this area since the local honey is considered to be the best. Honey from this region is also considered a valuable gift to high-ranking government guests.

Want to learn more about the Nanay 'bulge' in Uzbekistan and see it for yourself? Join us at the 5th NomadMania Conference in Fergana!


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