President Truman ordered the U.S. Military to explode an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. We exploded a second atomic bomb over Nagasaki three days later. Roughly 200,000 Japanese soldiers and civilians died in those attacks.
However, those attacks quickly ended the war and saved millions of lives. They saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of American, Chinese and other allied soldiers who would have died in China and in invading the Japanese islands.
They also saved the lives of millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians who would have been killed during that fighting or died of starvation.
They also saved the lives of thousands of American and allied prisoners of the Japanese who would have been murdered or died of starvation. They saved the lives of millions of civilians in China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries occupied by the Japanese had the war continued. The Japanese never would have surrendered had we not used those atomic bombs. They came very close to not surrendering even with them.
Click Here For Full Post: Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 Saved Millions of Lives - Liberty and Prosperity