PARIS REINFORCE wishes you a Happy New Year! |
Amidst a raging pandemic, 2021 has been another rough year for the globe. This includes the scientific community, which has been trying to adapt to, draw from, and analyse a new norm, especially when it comes to climate change and action. Hoping that 2022 reinforces the efforts for a green and sustainable recovery, the PARIS REINFORCE consortium wishes you a Healthy, Just, and Happy New Year!
actively participated in the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated
Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC), which took place virtually from
November 29 to December 3, 2021.
Like every year, the 14th
IAMC Annual Meeting aimed to present and discuss the state of the art
in integrated assessment modelling, review the status of ongoing
community activities, facilitate interaction with collaborating
communities, as well as evaluate and revisit the priorities of the IAM
The consortium of the PARIS REINFORCE project participated in the conference with seven presentations and one poster.
Specifically, in the
“SECTORAL” topic, which covered integrated assessment of pathways to
carbon neutrality in individual sectors, including industry, transport
and building, Assoc. Prof. Haris Doukas (NTUA) presented our
work, “An IAM-based framework for evaluating the environmental impact of
low-cost technological solutions in the container shipping industry”
(see more here). The poster can be found here.
Then, in the “NATIONAL”
topic, covering assessments of the effectiveness and consequences of
climate policies at the national scale, including implementation of
nationally determined contributions and mid-century strategies, Mr.
Konstantinos Koasidis (NTUA) and Dr. Dirk-Jan Van de Ven (BC3)
presented our studies, “Allocating global COVID-19 recovery packages
over low-carbon technologies to optimise between emission reductions and
employment gains” (see more here) and “A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current mitigation efforts” (see more here), respectively.
Dr. Sara Giarola (Imperial College – Grantham Institute)
presented our work, “Challenges in the harmonisation of global
integrated assessment models: A comprehensive methodology to reduce
model response heterogeneity” (see more here),
in the “METHODS” topic, which specifically looked at various
methodological issues related to IAMs including transparency,
validation, presentation tools, model solvers, representation of complex
policies and model evaluation.
topic, on stakeholder involvement and citizen sciences in integrated
assessment modelling, Dr. Shivika Mittal (Imperial College – Grantham Institute) and Dr. Alexandros Nikas (NTUA)
presented our works on “A stakeholder-driven approach to modelling
national emissions pathways across the world” and “Co-creating a model
inter-comparison exercise with stakeholders in the EU” (see more here), respectively.
Mr. Jorge Moreno (BC3)
participated in the “SUSTAINABLE” topic, on broader sustainability in
conjunction with climate action, presenting the study “Assessing SDG
synergies and trade-offs of diverging Paris-compliant mitigation
strategies”, while Dr. Ajay Gambhir (Imperial College – Grantham Institute)
presented the study “Assessing near-term transition and longer-term
physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways” in the
“FINANCE” topic, which covered the consequences of both climate change
and climate policy for the financial sector (investments, risks, etc.).
These eight conference presentations brought the project total to 25. More information can be found in the conference section of our website.
Fourteen more scientific publications have been made available since July 2021:
- Koasidis, K., Marinakis, V., Nikas, A., Chira, K., Flamos, A., & Doukas, H. (2022). Monetising behavioural change as a policy measure to support energy management in the residential sector: A case study in Greece. Energy Policy, 161, 112759. (link)
- Gambhir, A., George, M., McJeon, H., Arnell, N.W., Bernie, D., Mittal, S., Köberle, A.C., Lowe, J., Rogelj, J., & Monteith, S. (2022). Near-term transition and longer-term physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways. Nature Climate Change, in press. (link)
- Nikas, A., Xexakis, G., Koasidis, K., Acosta-Fernández, J., Arto, I., Calzadilla, A., Domenech, T., Gambhir, A., Giljum, S., Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Herbst, A., Ivanova, O., van Sluisveld, M.A.E., van de Ven, D.-J., Karamaneas, A., & Doukas, H. (2022). Coupling circularity performance and climate action: from disciplinary silos to transdisciplinary modelling science. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 269-277. (link)
- Cain, M., Jenkins, S., Allen, M.R., Lynch, J., Frame, D.J., Macey, A.H., & Peters, G.P. (2022). Methane and the Paris Agreement temperature goals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 380, 20200456. (link)
- Sognnaes, I., Gambhir, A., Van de Ven, D.J., Nikas, A., Anger-Kraavi, A., Bui, H., Campagnolo, L., Delpiazzo, E., Doukas, H., Giarola, S., Grant, N., Hawkes, A., Koberle, A.C., Kolpakov, A., Mittal, S., Moreno, J., Perdana, S., Rogelj, J., Vielle, M., & Peters, G.P. (2021). A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current mitigation efforts. Nature Climate Change, 11, 1055-1062. (link)
- Grant, N., Hawkes, A., Napp, T., & Gambhir, A. (2021). Cost reductions in renewables can substantially erode the value of carbon capture and storage in mitigation pathways. One Earth, 4(11), 1588-1601. (link)
- Köberle, A.C., Vandyck, T., Guivarch, C., Macaluso, N., Bosetti, V., Gambhir, A., Tavoni, M., & Rogelj, J. (2021). The cost of mitigation revisited. Nature Climate Change, 11, 1035-1045. (link)
- Grant, N., Hawkes, A., Mittal, S., & Gambhir, A. (2021). The policy implications of an uncertain carbon dioxide removal potential. Joule, 5(10), 2593-2605. (link)
- Mohan, A., Geden, O., Fridahl, M., Buck, H. J., & Peters, G. P. (2021). UNFCCC must confront the political economy of net-negative emissions. One Earth, 4(10), 1348-1351. (link)
- Breed, A. K., Speth, D., & Plötz, P. (2021). CO2 fleet regulation and the future market diffusion of zero-emission trucks in Europe. Energy Policy, 159, 112640. (link)
- Nikas, A., Skalidakis, S., Sorman, A. H., Galende-Sanchez, E., Koasidis, K., Serepas, F., Van de Ven, D.J., Moreno, J., Karamaneas, A., Koutsellis, T., Kanellou, E., & Doukas, H. (2021). Integrating integrated assessment modelling in support of the Paris Agreement: The I2AM PARIS platform. In 2021 12th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. (link)
- Joshi, S., Mittal, S., Holloway, P., Ramprasad Shukla, P., Ó Gallachóir, B., & Glynn, J. (2021). High resolution global spatiotemporal assessment of rooftop solar photovoltaics potential for renewable electricity generation. Nature Communications 12, 5738. (link)
- van de Ven, D. J., Westphal, M., Gonzalez‐Eguino, M., Gambhir, A., Peters, G., Sognnaes, I., ... & Clarke, L. The impact of US re‐engagement in climate on the Paris targets. Earth's Future, 9(9), e2021EF002077. (link)
- Stoddard, I., Anderson, K., Capstick, S., Carton, W., Depledge, J., Facer, K., ... & Williams, M. (2021). Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46. (link)
Visit the scientific publications section of our website and explore all papers produced in the context of PARIS REINFORCE.
Send us an email for any questions or express interest in the PARIS REINFORCE research
The PARIS REINFORCE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 820846.
PARIS REINFORCE, NTUA 9, Iroon Polytechniou str., Athens, Greece
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