Many of you have been waiting for this. We are happy to announce that registrations to join the Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards are open.

We are offering three participation options with the final Awards Ceremony in Lviv on October 20th included in all three. Go and check it out... 

Please, don't forget to nominate your favourite traveller for the Awards.

Looking forward to seeing you in Ukraine this Fall. This will be epic.

Other Tours This Autumn

Just a reminder that we are also running some other tours. There are a few last spots left for Armenia in September and Libya in October

You are welcome to join us!

New Interview - Paramvir Singh Beniwal

Meet Paramvir Singh Beniwal, the globetrotting Indian adventurer who's journeyed through 70 countries, breaking barriers with his Indian passport.

Paramvir has since become one of India's leading Travel YouTubers, weaving stories of cultures, lands, and heartwarming human connections.

Q: If you could invite any three individuals from history or the present to dinner, who would they be?

A: I can't name specific people, but I'm really interested in talking to those who have traveled more than me, like you, and to those who are polyglots.


Check out our intimate chat with him, exploring his travel tales, hurdles, and the ripple effect of his inspirational content.

Read the full interview with Paramvir here on our blog.

Indian Travellers Panel

We're dedicating this month to the awe-inspiring travellers from India. Get ready to engage with some of India's most passionate and well-travelled souls.

Join us for "The Biggest Indian Travellers Panel" - an open webinar where these globetrotters will dive deep into diverse travel topics.

Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 

See full details and register now.

New Series Updates 

We have some new SERIES Updates!

From additional Waterfalls to Art Museums to Dark Tourism we have added more for you, and will continue to do so every month.

This past month comes with its own set of enriching updates, aiming to give you more choices for visiting: 

  • A number of new items in the Caribbean  have been added, especially expanding Puerto Rico's entries.
  • Sports Museums mini-series, our smallest one of them all, has been expanded, now showcasing 181 entries. 
  • Music, Photography, & Film Museums mini-series is now richer with a total of 301 unique items. 
  • Villages and Small Towns Series has been  a growth of over 10% with more than 200 new items added across all continents. 
  • Thoroughly processed additional Series items across the Board from the North Africa megaregion.

Enjoy and Happy Travels :-)


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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