For us, it was no big deal. They'd already been here a week, so everything was more or less still in place (though I had rather proactively washed the sheets during their futile six-hour wait at the airport). We would need to arrange some "emergency" medication as they hadn't brought enough for an extended stay, but we were genuinely happy they would be spending Christmas with us for a change.
At any rate, we welcomed them back with open arms, convinced they were just as excited about their new Christmas adventure as we were.
Three days later, however, amidst the chaos of gift unwrapping and the stuffing mishap (see below), my 88-year-old father-in-law leaned over and said to me, "You know, this will be the first time in 68 years I haven't spent Christmas with family."
Now, at this point, you might be thinking: there must be some reason for this snarky snub.
But I swear, there isn't. We all get along famously and enjoy each others' company. Our visits usually include shopping, dinners out, movies, trips to the museum or art gallery, and – at Christmastime – holiday markets and light displays.
This time, however, it had been bitterly cold with temperatures hovering around minus thirty, and no one wanted to venture out much. We did manage one outing to the mall, which, incidentally, was the last place anyone saw my father-in-law's flip-phone.
When the poor fellow realized he'd just stricken his only son (and me) from the family register, he quickly backpedaled. "Rather, it's the first time I haven't been home for Christmas in 68 years."
My husband laughed when I told him about it later and had his own story of rejection. Apparently, as he said goodbye to his folks for the second time at the airport, his dad proclaimed the best part of the trip was getting a shiny new flip-phone for Christmas!