Our upcoming PopUp exhibition in Paris is postponed due to the grave corona virus situation. Meanwhile, the show must go on...
For the first time we are happy to invite you all to visit the show on your screen where you can ”walk around” and view the unique pieces by the artists listed below.
In times like this we need to keep up the spirit and focus on the beauty in life, whereof art definitely plays an important part.
Welcome to the opening and enjoy!
PopUp Paris exhibition digital version
The exhibition includes the following artists: Valerio Adami, Karel Appel, Arman, César, P.Chappert-Gaujal, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Corneille, Cecilia Cubarle, David Drebin, Yrjö Edelmann, Erró, Antonio de Felipe, Lucio Fontana, Sam Francis, Clara Hallencreutz, Philippe Huart, Peter Klasen, Bengt Lindström, Roberto Matta, Joan Miró, Gérard Schlosser, William Sweetlove.
Take care of each other and stay safe!
Thomas, Kalle, Katarina & Ludvig
P.S. We will be back with new dates for the PopUp exhibition at Rue Jacques Callot in Paris as soon as life has returned to normal, hopefully before too long.