I have the privilege of appearing in this series, alongside leading political and academic figures who speak authoritatively about the Cold War. One episode details the events surrounding the Soviet nuclear war scare of 1983, which is the central topic of my 2022 award-winning Koehler Books release The Able Archers.
Recently, our dear friends Dick Raper and Helen Porter hosted a book launch event for The Righteous Arrows on Grand Bahama Island. We had a great turnout and terrific interaction with the attendees.
On the eve of the release of “The Bomb and the Cold War” I will be on the Big Blend Radio channel—7 pm ET / 6 pm CT (March 11). After it airs, it will be featured on BlendRadioandTV.com and in their books/history themed digital Big Blend Magazines.
Today’s podcast will air the main Big Blend Radio channel, the Toast to the Arts channel, and the Way Back When history channel.
Thanks, and remember to pre-order The Righteous Arrows!