Project News H5P is here H5P (short for HTML5 Package) is now enabled on the edulinc site. Teachers can use H5P to easily create interactive, mobile friendly content. H5P training materials can be found in the Creating New Learning Activities section of the Stage 3 course (Blended Learning Development: Activity Guide 2, chapter 7). More advanced H5P training materials will be available in Stage 4 in June. This web page demonstrates sample H5P activities. Web News Can English remain the 'world's favourite' language? ... English is the world's favourite lingua franca - the language people are most likely to turn to when they don't share a first language. Imagine, for example, a Chinese speaker who speaks no French in conversation with a French speaker who speaks no Chinese. The chances are that they would use English. Five years ago, perhaps. But not any more. Thanks to advances in computer translation and voice-recognition technology, they can each speak their own language, and hear what their interlocutor is saying, machine-translated in real time. So English's days as the world's top global language may be numbered. To put it at its most dramatic: the computers are coming, and they are winning. ...
ISANS using literacy app to accelerate refugee children's English reading skills Children from newcomer families are learning to read English letters and words faster by using a literacy app at Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) children's centres. Squiggle Park is a reading game created by a Halifax start-up in 2015 to help accelerate kids' reading skills in only 30 minutes of weekly play. The app has been used since February as part of a pilot program sponsored by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. ...
How New Technologies Are Changing Language Learning, For Better And Worse AI, AR and VR are increasingly hot topics in the language learning space — with new tools and technologies being touted as silver bullets that will fundamentally change the way we learn. Numerous on-demand apps and free tools have made language learning accessible to everyone: Duolingo is a prime example, busuu’s Alexa bot is making it easy to practice hands-free while performing other household activities, and Google’s new wireless headphones offer real-time translation from Google Translate. ...
Gauging language proficiency through eye movement A study by MIT researchers has uncovered a new way of telling how well people are learning English: tracking their eyes. That’s right. Using data generated by cameras trained on readers’ eyes, the research team has found that patterns of eye movement — particularly how long people’s eyes rest on certain words — correlate strongly with performance on standardized tests of English as a second language. ...
Language study in Asia is moving to tablet Language learning in Asia is changing. Stuck with a lack of sufficient English teachers across the continent, students are now able to learn the language – vital to success in the modern business world – through a mobile phone. A pairing of in-class lessons and consistent daily practice online could help students master the English language. In Thailand, for example, schools are all too often short of language teachers who are fluent ...
Imagining Canada’s Economy Without Immigration If Canada were to shut its doors to immigrants completely, its labour force and economic growth would shrink significantly. A new report by The Conference Board of Canada estimates that economic growth would slow from a trend rate of 1.9 per cent to an average of 1.3 per cent annually...
Canadian Teachers Share 9 Ways They Support English-Learners Three-fourths of the roughly 500 students at Islington Junior Middle School in Toronto, Ontario, speak a language other than English at home. ... In this video, Education Week explores a variety of methods and instructional strategies used by Canadian teachers to bring English-language learners up to speed and make them feel more at home in their new country....
Blogs Solutions to the Top Blended Learning Challenges With the expansion of the global workforce, and the continuous shifting of global economic factors, the time for blended learning has arrived. A solid blended learning design makes sense instructionally and economically. But how do we make sure we do it right? What are the hidden blended learning challenges that can create a roadblock to success before we even roll out the program?.... Best Ways to Use Social Networks in eLearning Social media is playing an ever-increasingly important role in all of our lives. Each day, hundreds of thousands of us use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and a whole host of other social networks. ...Teachers and educational institutions are now heavy users of popular social media platforms and have begun integrating them into their eLearning initiatives. ... Let’s take a look at some of the individual platforms and how you can use them for eLearning. ...
8 Interactive eLearning Tools That Promote Active Learning in Language Training Research has consistently found that higher learner engagement and achievement are associated with instructional methods that involve active learning techniques. Unlike passive learning, wherein learners simply watch, read, or listen, active learning involves real-world challenges, collaboration, and interactive problem-solving. It engages and motivates learners, promoting long-term retention and a better understanding of course material. This is especially true for language training. ... Here are eight interactive tools to look for in active-learning-enabled language training eLearning programs:
Jobs Instructor-Distance Education/Virtual School The York Catholic District School Board Continuing Education Department is recruiting instructors for an Adult ESL Virtual School. This program will host a virtual classroom for distance learners who wish to obtain/improve English language skills for a fee. Instructors will deliver language content based on a classroom schedule in a two-three hour time span. Instructors will be based at Welcome Centre Newmarket, Ontario to deliver this virtual program. ...
Online English Teacher m2r Education are working with ITutorGroup, the largest English language learning institution in the world with more than 180 million users and over 20000 teachers based in around 135 cities across the globe. This multi award winning organisation has over 20yrs of online education experience and is in urgent need of more teachers. .... We need UK, US and Canadians who want to teach English to mainly adults in corporate companies,
Professional Development 4 ways to implement Differentiated Instruction strategies in the classroom When it comes to engaging all of your students, you’ve probably realized that students learn in different ways. Some may work best when engaged in group work, while you may find others that perform best when working on their own. If this is the case, differentiated instruction and assessment, also known as differentiated learning, is the framework you need to reach students through different avenues of learning. ...
LearnIT2teach Annotated Bibliography New Resource: When at Crossroads of L2 Tasks and Technology: A Critical Review of Implementing Technology-mediated Task-Based Language Teaching Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) are two pillars of second language teaching and learning. This engaging short article reviews the literature examining interconnections between the two and discusses the potential implications and challenges, including access to technology and professional development that need to be addressed to enable instructors and students to make the most of TBLT and CALL for teaching and learning... ...
Five Project Management Tips for Creating Online Courses ... You don’t need a degree or certificate in project management to successfully manage an e-learning project. Good project management is all about finding the right balance between driving project tasks, deadlines, and goals, while also encouraging creativity and innovative ideas. Here are five tips to help strike that balance in your e-learning projects:
e-Resource Corner English-test Net This web site provides free English tests, grammar exercises, and worksheets. Ed.Ted.Com Build a (free) interactive, structured lesson around any TED-Ed Original, TED Talk or YouTube video. Great for a flipped lesson.