When not basking in the glow of the award this month, I’ve been
working full-bore on my 15th Key West Food critic mystery, my 23rd, or
is it the 24th book altogether? Wouldn’t you think by now that I know
how to write one? But each story develops differently. As a brand-new
writer, I tried to map everything out in a giant outline, because I
really had no idea how to make a mystery plot come together. As I’ve
grown in experience and confidence, I’ve gotten comfortable launching a
book with a big idea, or a startling character development, or something
new about Key West that I want to highlight. As I figure out the bones
of the story, I can plot ahead and make sure my motives and suspects and
red herrings are tucked in where they should be.
After I finished A POISONOUS PALATE, which has two timelines,
and one heck of an exciting denouement, it was hard to think of a bigger
plot. So I had the idea of blowing a boat up right off Mallory Square.
My librarian friend Michael Nelson wondered if I was plotting a cozy
mass murder? No, it isn’t that, but it starts out with a bang—literally!
More to come on that story…