The coronavirus pandemic
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Tax justice and the coronavirus

Governments and societies face colossal economic costs now, as they are confronted by millions of workers losing their jobs and millions of businesses going broke. Old economic orthodoxies are toppling, one by one.

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Could the wealth in tax havens help us pay for the Coronavirus response?

There’s some $8-$35 trillion or so sitting offshore, depending on how broadly this is measured, which can certainly be tapped with stronger political will.

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OECD compilation of tax measures taken by governments so far

The excel table provides an overview of the tax policy measures and related measures that countries have implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Our stories

Investors demand OECD tax transparency

Investors responsible for trillions of dollars of assets have called on the OECD to ensure that the country by country reporting of multinational companies is made public. 

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Gender equality: can taxation make it a reality?

We’ve all done it: promised, but not delivered. And our governments are no different.

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Lessons learned from organising our first virtual conference

Amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, organisations are exploring virtual alternatives to gatherings.

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Guest Blog: How to Tackle Audit Failures

Auditors have been described as the gatekeepers of capitalism, yet there is widespread concern that the current Coronavirus pandemic, and the global recession that will inevitably accompany it, will reveal a pattern of audit failures similar to recent high-profile corporate failures which surfaced in the past two years. 

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Tax Justice Focus: Climate Crisis
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Financing Climate Justice - Part 1

As the climate crisis comes into ever sharper focus the question of how we pay for a just transition takes on ever greater urgency. In this, the first of a two-part special edition of Tax Justice Focus, guest edited by Tax Justice Network Senior Adviser James Henry, we have brought together key policy proposals to make what is now urgently necessary possible.

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Tax Justice Network's podcasts
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The Taxcast - Episode 99: Climate crisis, transition and tax justice

How many more signs do we need to tell us we must urgently reform our economies, keep essential services out of private hands and transition away from fossil fuels? As the world buckles up for a different kind of crisis tackling the Coronavirus, we look at how tax justice is key to all economic reform in the public interest.

We speak to Dr Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion on a vision of hope, John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network. We also bring you the voices of tax office workers from their protest outside the British Parliament against the government’s closing of tax offices, shedding up to 50,000 jobs

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Justicia ImPositiva - Episode 45: ¿Quienes son los más responsables del secreto financiero mundial?

En este programa hablamos de los resultados del Índice de Secreto Financiero 2020: En este mapa de la evasión fiscal planetaria, revelamos los flujos financieros ilícitos, sus protagonistas y su formula para que el dinero parezca invisible. ¿Qué nos revela el índice de la Red de Justicia Fiscal sobre América Latina una de las regiones que más golpeadas por la canaleta de los paraísos fiscales?

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الجباية ببساطة - Episode 26

أهلا بكم في العدد السادس والعشرين من الجباية ببساطة وهو العدد الخاص الذي يتناول أداء الدول العربية في مؤشر السرية العالمية الصادر حديثا عن شبكة العدالة الضريبية في حوار ما بين وليد بن رحومة والباحث في المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية أسامة دياب. يحتوي أيضا العدد على مجموعة من أهم الأخبار الاقتصادية والضريبية في المنطقة والعالم وتشمل: ١) إصدار الأمم المتحدة لتقرير عن الشركات العاملة بالمستوطنات الإسرائيلية؛ ٢) مصر تتفاوض على اتفاق جديد مع صندوق النقد الدولي؛ ٣) وفاة رئيس مصر السابق حسني مبارك والذي تميز عهده باستشراء الفساد المالي والذي كان واحدا من أسباب الإطاحة به في عام ٢٠١١.

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Impôts et Justice Sociale - Episode 13

Nous revenons sur Le Financial Secrecy Index, l’indice d’opacité financière publiée par Tax Justice Network le 18 février 2020. 17 pays africains ont été notés, et sont ceux qui impacte le moins au niveau du monde. Mais sur bien des indicateurs du classement, l’Afrique est critiquable. C’est le cas en matière de secret bancaire, ou des transactions juridiques sur les entreprises.

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É da sua conta - Episode 11: a cumplicidade dos parasitas do norte global

Ouvimos especialistas em transparência, ativistas e cidadãos angolanos para esmiuçar esse vazamento que trata de como a filha do ex-presidente angolano, Isabel dos Santos, desviou milhões de dólares dos cofres angolanos  entre 1980 e 2018, com a ajuda de bancos, empresas de consultoria e contabilidade, e paraísos fiscais do norte global. Conversamos também com o os responsáveis por divulgar os vazamentos e os advogados do denunciante.

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