Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY!

Well, it's official.

I've submitted the final file of The Throne of the Gods to the retailers for approval. 

*July 7 is the official launch date of the final book in the Raven Son series!! *

If I'm using more than the usual amount of exclamation points, it's mostly because I'm about to fall over from exhaustion and have to keep myself going for a few more hours :)

No, but seriously, it's been an incredible two weeks of saying goodbye to these characters and also of setting them up for future stories. I'm not leaving this universe anytime soon. 

With all that in mind, I'm inviting you to come by and celebrate with me on facebook for a live launch party. 

Tuesday at 8 pm Eastern time! There will be gifts handed out to people in attendance and much hilarity, I'm sure. So come by and let's hang out. 

A few updates

Just to remind you all that the special pre-launch price for The Throne of the Gods will go away on July 8, so now's the time to pre-order and get your best price for this book. 

Also, enrollment is still open for the Song of the Sirin book club, hosted by Scholé Academy. It's a month-long exploration of my first book... with me! A unique opportunity to really get to the bottom of why those crazy authors do what they do... 

Here's the link to join the course. 

And thank you, as always, for joining me on my writerly adventures!


Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs
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