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Issue #42
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The Ninth Month

Well, it’s almost over. In just a few weeks, you’re finally going to meet the child you’ve talked to and dreamed about, and whose university education you’ve planned. But be prepared, the last month of pregnancy is often the most confusing for expectant fathers. At times you may be almost overcome with excitement and anticipation. At other times you may be feeling so scared and trapped that you want to run away.

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Expectant Mother's Guide Journey App
Sex after natural childbirth: can it be better than before childbirth?

Sex sells movies, music, magazines, clothes, perfume, diets and cars! The link is sometimes very vague (perhaps even non-existent) but it emphasizes what a big role sex plays in society. Magazines are filled with tips for better sex and those articles are always featured on the cover for the very reason that it sells. It does make me suspect that we’re looking for a secret remedy to what might be quite a complex facet of life.

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Skin to skin
For babies with congenital heart disease, skin-to-skin contact proves safe and beneficial

Skin-to-skin contact between a baby wearing just a diaper and a parent with a bare chest has scientifically proven physiological benefits for infants. They’re less likely to intermittently stop breathing. Their heart rate and blood sugar are less likely to drop to dangerous levels. Their body temperature is better regulated, and for mothers who want to breastfeed, this connection—also called kangaroo care—helps facilitate the transition to direct breastfeeding.

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How to increase your milk supply

When I am training nurses in breastfeeding management, I usually ask them this question: “Insufficient breast milk production is a common problem – true or false?”. And the answers are all over the board! The funny thing is, the correct answer is: both true and false! True, because it’s one of the things breastfeeding women most often complain about; but at the same time false, because most of the time the problem that is being blamed on insufficient milk supply has nothing to do with milk supply at all. And then again true, because many women get terrible advice from uninformed healthcare providers, which causes their supply to decrease.

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Expectant Mother's Guide Journey App
Emotions are Not Bad Behaviour

One of the most commonly heard parental laments is about how children try to get attention. So many behaviours that adults don't like are brushed off as "merely" attention-seeking devices. "Don't worry about him," we say, "he is just doing it to get attention."

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Supporting Your Child’s Learning with Music

Making music as a family brings you closer together and naturally supports your child’s development in so many ways. (That’s why we say Music Learning Supports All Learning®!) Social distancing and remote work and school mean that a lot of us are spending more time together at home these days, so you might be looking for new family activities that are easy and fun for everyone. (Bonus if they are also educational!) Playing musically with your little ones checks all the boxes.

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"You are an absolutely amazing midwife. My experience with you is unforgettable."

"During pregnancy, I enjoyed getting care, valuable information about my child’s development and emotional support. You bring a lot of positive energy into the world! Thank you!! There are not enough words to express my gratitude to you." — Marina

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Stay up to date on the latest Covid -19 research with regards to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding
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Association of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Health APPPAH - COVID-19 Resources

In the videos below, you will hear from pioneers in the field of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, such as Thomas R. Verny, PhD, founder of APPPAH; Raylene Phillips, MD of the Sacred Hour after birth, Dr. Joel Evans, MD, APPPAH’s Medical Director, and Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD, RN on the positive impact of applying the 12 Guiding Principles of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology with clients and patients.

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