Friday, July 2, 2021
Greetings, everyone.
Although I will be working on the newsletter today, I felt like this is news that cannot wait! Those of you who have a Twitter account, I would recommend that you start following Professor Nils Melzer. You will NOT believe what he said to the United States Secretary of State in observance of Torture Victims Day (June 26) on behalf of all EH victims! Have a look:
"With all due respect, @SecBlinken, Sir, but your hypocrisy is an insult to all victims of #US-sponsored #torture, none of whom have ever received justice. On #TortureVictimsDay, which means so much to so many of us, either start walking the talk or else please just keep silent."
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Secretary Antony Blinken@SecBlinken:
United States government official · Jun 26
On #InternationalDayAgainstTorture, we recognize the bravery and humanity of victims and survivors of torture around the world. We will not waver in our commitment to condemn and eliminate torture, promote accountability for perpetrators, and support victims in their healing.
Freedom for Everyone in 2021!