Edenville Restoration Overview
The Edenville
Restoration Overview is now published, it provides the background from
pre-failure to present on the Edenville Dam. We will have the entire “Four
Lakes Restoration Status Update” report published in the next week or so. Since
we announced the suspension schedule last week, there have been a fair number
of statements coming out that are inaccurate as it relates to Edenville. For
those that want a complete understanding of the Edenville Restoration project,
please read the report, the link is included.
For those that want a simple statement as it relates to Edenville, here it is:
FLTF is not removing the mussels from Wixom Lake; Edenville permitting timing does not have an impact on Secord, Smallwood or Sanford. The four lakes do not have the capacity to be used for flood control; Dow Chemical does not need the dams for their operations.
To permit, all dams need auxiliary spillways and having spillway capacity to pass a 5,000-year frequency flood is a good thing for the safety of the public.
If I missed any other issues send a note to info@fourlakestaskfore.org, and we will answer.
The basic fact is that if we would have been able to issue bonds in the summer as planned all four dams would continue to be under construction until their lakes were filled.
Secord, Smallwood and Sanford are only encumbered in restarting construction after the suspension by the resolution of the appeal and lawsuits.
Wixom lake has had the most challenging permitting path but it will be restored. The Edenville Restoration Overview provides a good overview for those on Wixom regarding the steps to permitting, financing and the restart of construction.
Dave Kepler
Four Lakes Task Force